Not of letters, but of spirit

C654 CB908 E908 G908 K654 R494 S406 T908
Not of letters, but of spirit,
  The New Testamental way;
For ’tis life the spirit giveth,
  But the letters always slay.
Outward work God never reckons,
  But what’s from the inmost part;
It is not to serve in letter,
  But life’s newness to impart.
Not just by the outward teachings,
  But by His anointing moved;
Not just by the outward pattern,
  But by inward vision proved.
Not by human rules or rituals,
  But by heaven’s rule within;
Not by human-made decisions,
  But by guidance giv’n of Him.
Not a dead religion serving,
  But in Christ as life to live;
Not theology dispensing,
  But a living Christ to give.
Not the knowledge of mere doctrine,
  But the message Christ should be;
Not the gifts, the forms, the teachings,
  But God’s Christ—reality.
Not objectively to worship,
  But to serve Him inwardly;
Not to preach a Christ objective,
  But Himself subjectively.
Not just by the Scripture serving,
  But in spirit and in life;
Not by flesh, but by the Spirit
  Filling, freeing from all strife.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Jack Petrash

Irving, TX, United States

An enlightening hymn, illuminating the basic need to live, serve, preach, and shepherd, by the inner flow of life in our mingled spirit; not in our religious, objective, mental concepts. What a helpful reminder!

Hymn 908 can also be sung using 452 (I Am Not My Own), omitting the chorus.

Jack Petrash, Irving, TX United States