Recherche 70
E1019 A ruler once came to Jesus by night Classique
E570 All my doubts I give to Jesus Classique
E8518 Blessed is he that is trusting the Lord Classique
E248 Fainting in the desert Classique
E442 Fully surrendered—Lord, I would be Classique
E204 Gathered in Thy name, Lord Jesus Classique
E683 God holds the key of all unknown Classique
E449 Have Thine own way, Lord Classique
E8344 Have Thine own way, Lord (revised) (Have Thine own way, Lord) Classique
E1249 How oft believers through the years Classique
E288 I've found a Friend, oh, such a Friend Classique
E553 In the secret of His presence Classique
E1028 Jesus is tenderly calling thee home Classique
E420 Jesus, Redeemer and my one Inspirer Classique
E596 Mine is the earth, the worlds in all their fulness Classique
E930 Must I go, and empty-handed Classique
E8043 O Father, Thou art boundless love Classique
E1050 Out of my bondage, sorrow, and night Classique
E316 Some day the silver cord will break Classique
E643 Take time to behold Him Classique
E452 Tell me not of earthly pleasures Classique
E910 The overflow of life is work Classique
E514 There is One amid all changes Classique
E995 There is a green hill far away Classique
C692 前有一官因見耶穌 Classic (詩歌)