I love my Lord, but with no love of mine

B318 CB546 Cs333 E546 F98 G546 LSM198 P271 R521 S255 T546
I love my Lord, but with no love of mine,
    For I have none to give;
I love Thee, Lord, but all the love is Thine,
    For by Thy love I live.
I am as nothing, and rejoice to be
Emptied, and lost, and swallowed up in Thee.
Thou, Lord, alone, art all Thy children need,
    And there is none beside;
From Thee the streams of blessedness proceed,
    In Thee the bless’d abide.
Fountain of life, and all-abounding grace,
Our source, our center, and our dwelling-place.

Baton Rouge, United States

In 1974 midst the early heart surgery experiments the oldest of our six little brothers was having a difficult time. He told me when I went to visit him, “ I am not going to make it. I can’t live the Christian life”. About ten years later I learned I couldn’t live the Christian Life either. There is One in us Who can. We just lay our hands on Him.


Illinois, United States

The old songs are the best songs. Come Lord JESUS ❤️

Aksana Coker

Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States

For by Thy love we live!


Hsinchu, Taiwan

I love my Lord, but with no love of mine,

For I have none to give;

I love Thee, Lord, but all the love is Thine,

For by Thy love I live.

Hannahlise McDaniel

Waco, TX, United States

Lord Jesus we love You


United Kingdom

I love my Lord, but with no love of mine,

For I have none to give...

What a relief in these words! That is truly my experience... my own love is so full of shortages, so conditional, so limited, so preferential... and many times runs out so quick... unexisting when is the most needed...

We love because He first loved us. He is the source. He loves becayse He is love. He does because that is who He is, His very nature, very fibre, basic element of His being...

One brother said: 'We cannot love Him without knowing FIRST how much He loved us and loves us... loves me. ' This word moved my all inward being and begot desire in me to know Him, the One who is Love.

And there might be days when saying - 'Lord, I love You' - may not come experientialy easy. But, without single exeption, this small prayer 'Lord, thank You for another day to be loved by You' always brings comfort...

Janice McKenzie

Mission, Texas, United States

Thou, Lord, alone, art all Thy children need,

And there is none beside!

Thank you Lord! You alone are all that we need! There is

none beside You! You are our All in all, our Life, and Love!

Dan Choy

Burlingame, United States

Fountain of life, and all abounding grace! I love thee Lord!


San Juan, Philippines

Peace to the brothers and love with faith from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in incorruptibility. - Eph. 6:23-24


Ibadan, Oyo, Nigeria

I love you Lord, I am nothing and I rejoice to be

Your love is great. Amen

We no longer need to follow the detour today, for the Lord has opened the way to the tree of life. However, the condition of most Christians is that they are still in the detour. If we do not have a revelation of the tree of life, we will exhort people saying, "Brother, you need to be watchful. Sister, you should be subject to your husband. We must deal with the flesh, accept the breaking, and accept the cross. We need to be like Madame Guyon." Such exhortations are in the detour of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Even Madame Guyon was in this detour. She pursued the Lord and was built up, but eventually God still had to strip everything away. When she was stripped by God, she could say, "I am as nothing, and rejoice to be / Emptied, and lost, and swallow'd up in Thee" (Hymns, #546). There is no need for a redundant step. It is better to not build than to build up and then tear down. God stripped her of everything and left only Himself. Therefore, she said that she was lost in Him. However, these words do not hit the mark. Man is not lost in God but mingled with God. By God's mercy Madame Guyon touched this reality, but she did not have sufficient light and did not know the confirming word in the Scriptures.

A person who takes the detour must eventually come out. The detour is about doing things. The Lord has enlightened us to see that we do not need to take this detour. The Lord said, "I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall by no means hunger, and he who believes into Me shall by no means ever thirst" (John 6:35). He also said, "He who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing" (15:5). These verses reveal that there is no need to stay in the detour. We need only to eat and drink the Lord: "He who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me" (6:57). How I wish I could repeat these verses until every believer sees that man needs nothing but to eat and enjoy the Lord. A. B. Simpson said that everything is in Christ and that Christ is everything (Hymns, #513). Healing is Christ, power is Christ, and patience is Christ; everything is Christ. But his words did not yet hit the mark and are not very clear. No one has ever told people, "God needs man to eat Him; man needs to eat God." Only this word hits the mark and is clear.

Piano Hymns