Wounded for me, wounded for me

Wounded for me, wounded for me,
There on the cross He was wounded for me;
Gone my transgressions, and now I am free,
All because Jesus was wounded for me.
Dying for me, dying for me,
There on the cross He was dying for me;
Now in His death my redemption I see,
All because Jesus was dying for me.
Risen for me, risen for me,
Up from the grave He has risen for me;
Now evermore from death’s sting I am free,
All because Jesus has risen for me.
Living for me, living for me,
Up in the skies He is living for me;
Daily He’s pleading and praying for me,
All because Jesus is living for me.
Coming for me, coming for me,
Soon in the air He is coming for me;
Then with what joy His dear face I shall see,
Oh, how I praise Him! He’s coming for me.
Toyin Diyan

London, United Kingdom

I feel that it would be appropriate to add an extra verse between 4 & 5

"Living in me, living in me,

Here in my heart, He is living in me

Daily He's making my heart space His


All because Jesus is living in me."


Lagos, Nigeria

Wounded for me. Dying for me. Risen for me. Pleading for me. Coming for me. It is all about me and you.... before He came, after He came and even when He left it is still about me and you! Oh wonderful Saviour! I love You.

Larry Bitterman

Fairport, NY, United States

When was this hymn written?

Kathleen Cychosz

Stockton, IL, United States

I love the song I hum it and keep it in my head all day long.

Hannah Gottschalk

London, United Kingdom

No words can adequately expressed what my Saviour, Master and Friend endured to save a wretched like me. I am eternally grateful. Let's this hymn be preserved for all time so generation to come will appreciate the impact of it. Lord we praise and honour Your holy name.

Joyce Ku

London, United Kingdom

A simple hymn that captures all of Christian theology, ethos and hope that even a child can appreciate, love and understand. Long may it be sung, enjoyed and believed.


Oxford, United Kingdom

This hymn tells the story of love and mercy. May we encourage each other in this as we live here among unbelief and materialism


Surabaya, Jatim, Indonesia

This is my favourite hymn, and its beautiful melody describes the real pain of Christ who was wounded and dying for me and you.



Living for me, living for me,

Up in the skies He is living for me;

Daily He’s pleading and praying for me,

All because Jesus is living for me.

Nobuhle Mcetywa

Jhb, Gauteng, South Africa

Coming for me, coming for me, then with what joy His dear face I shall see .....longing for that glorious morning when face to face I will behold Him who died for me and that of my dear mother who has been gone for 12 years now.