Tis now in part I know His grace

’Tis now in part I know His grace;
I catch sweet glimpses of His face,
But in that better world of His,
I shall behold Him as He is.
Then shall I know as I am known,
And sing His praise before the throne;
Then shall I know as I am known,
  And sing His praise before the throne.
’Tis now in part I know His love;
Bright sunbeams shine from skies above;
But glories more exceeding far,
Shall rise beyond life’s evening star.
’Tis now in part I understand
The leadings of my Father’s hand;
But I shall own His ways were right,
When welcomed to His presence bright.
’Tis now in part, but O how sweet
To rest by faith at His dear feet;
Though now we see as through a glass,
The veil will lift, the shadows pass.
Rosita Enriquez

Anaheim, CA, United States

’Tis now in part I understand

The leadings of my Father’s hand;

But I shall own His ways were right,

When welcomed to His presence bright.

How wonderful to have the surety that His ways were the best, we can trust His ways, Lord cause us to walk in the light, to walk in Your ways, to take from Our Father's hands what He chose for us. You'll be satisfied and we will too.