Given us, given us, God has given us

Cs451 E1211
Given us, given us, God has given us
Precious faith, power divine, greatest promises.
We believed, we received, now we have all three;
By these we may grow unto maturity.
Precious faith in each saint, precious equally,
Precious faith holding us, holding ceaselessly.
Disagree or agree, still it holds us fast,
Day by day, eternally this faith shall last.
Power divine wrought in us is the source so great;
Power divine is in us now to operate.
Hence will spring everything for our life within
And for godliness without, expressing Him.
Promises, promises, all God’s called ones share;
Promises, given us, great and precious are.
These we take to partake of God’s nature true,
Having thus escaped the world’s corruption too.
Christ within, as the pow’r, in our spirit lives;
Christ without is the Word—all God’s promises.
Now the key is that we daily contact both,
Calling, praying, reading to produce the growth.
Faith and pow’r, promises—these our full supply.
Diligence, diligence, let us now apply;
For if we, to these three, full attention show
From the seed of faith the fruit of love will grow.
In the growth from the seed many items come;
By this growth in the Lord fruitful we become.
For this we need to see what the Lord’s begun,
Ne’er forgetful be nor blind to what He’s done.
Diligence day by day will this growth insure;
Diligence thus will make our election sure.
When indeed with this seed we cooperate,
We’re supplied the kingdom’s entrance, rich and great.
For this growth, for this growth, Lord, ourselves we give,
By the faith, promises, and the pow’r to live.
Nothing more, nothing less, will our basis be
By Thy grace we will cooperate with Thee.
Steve Miller

United States

I enjoy this song because it exhorts me according to the word. But, I don't like the one phrase in verse 2, "Disagree or agree". This mars the whole song with a kind of carelessness, which is not in the word. I would change that line to:

Live by this precious faith. It will hold us fast.

Piano Hymns