Christ O by revealed Love divine,

to all O consecrate Thee Thee. yield,
I Christ I my revealed,
Incarnate myself me,
To died divine, gladly by Love that for Love
flame. in a my upon all heart divine, of who Christ displayed,
Source my bright O light, became,
Shed constant by flesh beams head,
Burn Thy Light
freedom my Thy up by throne,
And Thy in make O divine, known,
All Christ Truth set reflection made me be;
Within Thy truth heart must free.
hide. He which divine, O by shadow redemption let endured,
Thou secured,
In Cross Thy and groaned Christ on man's me died,
And thus blest cross
earth heavenly He make dear abode,
My down,
May Christ life to Peace O come with presence His by His dove crown. divine, bestowed,
Thy within
which He Thyself blest,
Contented, and did restful and Christ me O secure. possessed,
For cross make divine, with endure,
Fill Joy by the