And He showed me a river

LB6 LSM379
And He showed me a river
Of water of life,
Bright as crystal,
Proceeding out
Of the throne of God
And of the Lamb.
And Thou shalt make them to drink
Of the river of Thy pleasures.
There is a river,
The streams whereof make glad.
The city of God.
She shall not be moved.
God shall help her.
God’s in her midst.
They shall be abundantly satisfied
With the fatness of Thy house.
John Guo

Irvine, California, United States

Such a wonderful song. Amen.

Virgilio Pacis

Laguna, Calamba, Philippines

I like this song of Howard because of these very penetrating words.

Sis LC

Auckland, New Zealand

Rev 22:1 says “and he showed me…” He showed me!

When I sang this today, the word “showed” stood out to me. In revelations 21, one of the seven angels said to John, “Come here; I will show you the bride, the wife of the lamb”, and he showed John the holy city, then revelations 22 goes on to say “and he showed me a river of water of life…” Aren’t we blessed we have ones showing us things! The entire bible is showing us, revealing to us, making visible to us what we cannot otherwise see.

We are so blessed to have a God who is showing us what’s on His heart. It’s cherishing to have someone show us things. Just like it’s cherishing for a parent to teach their kids new things. We often take it for granted. I don’t want to take my God for granted! We have a God who is pouring out Himself to us. He has revealed His heart to us and even wrote it all in a book! Lord, empty us so that we can receive all that You are showing us today. Turn our hearts to You, so that when you’re showing us something, we won’t walk away! We won’t shut our ears to Your speaking! Lord, keep us open to You, so that we're ready to receive what You've been wanting to show us!

Elizabeth Staeheli

Spokane, WA, United States

At first, I thought it was odd, the way Higashi presents Christ as our Lover. It is not common in hymns, perhaps because people will misunderstand it. Where can I get this CD, "Lord Your Return"?

Barbara Pruner

Idleyld Park, Oregon, United States

This hymn shows me just how deep God's love is for us. All the songs on the CD "Lord, Your Return" are wonderful!


Fullerton, California, United States

This is one of my favorite songs. When we're in a difficult situation, we need to ask the Lord to show us a river, which is just Himself. Then we need to drink Him!

Deborah Tovar

Glen Ivy, California, Oman

We need this water of life daily, every second of the day. In this age, at this time everything is so dry and apart from this one source - Christ must be our living water. So

Our Precious Lord give us to drink!

Jane Otse


Oh! Lord Jesus!

Suzanne Hugus

Raleigh, NC, United States

The streams make us glad and so do sweet songs just like these. Praise the Lord!

Charlene Richardson

San Jose, California, United States

I am reminded to drink of this rich supply of water. To water my entire being with his presence and life supply to go on in this way of life day by day.