Open my eyes that I may see

B423 C328 E807 K328 T807
Open my eyes that I may see
Glimpses of truth Thou hast for me;
Place in my hands the wonderful key
That shall unclasp and set me free.
Silently now I wait for Thee,
Ready, my God, Thy will to see;
Open my eyes, illumine me,
    Spirit Divine!
Open my ears that I may hear
Voices of truth Thou sendest clear;
And while the wave notes fall on my ear,
Everything false will disappear.
Open my mouth and let me bear
Tidings of mercy everywhere;
Open my heart and let me prepare
Love with Thy children thus to share.
Open my mind that I may read
More of Thy love in word and deed;
What shall I fear while yet Thou dost lead?
Only for light from Thee I plead.
Peg Gentle

Hephzibah, Georgia, United States

I was thinking this morning on the beginnings of my being drawn to Jesus as a young girl. I was in a Girl Scout troop in my small hometown in South Carolina. Two young scouts sang this song at one of our meetings and it touched my heart and spirit. I haven't thought of it for over 60 years. So, I was led this morning to find the lyrics and sing along with it. I'm praying that all six of my grandchildren will be led as I was that day by the Holy Spirit to be moved/touched by a song, a Bible verse, a Sunday School teacher's testimony, or by a Christian friend who shares his/her love of Jesus! All who are drawn to Jesus are drawn in different ways. I think of the Apostle Paul's experience on the Damascus Road. I cherish that the Holy Spirit reminded me of this song this morning. And I'll be singing it often!

Barbara E Winter

Anderson, SC, United States

I woke with this song in my heart. America is so stressed at this time. This song is my prayer for myself and all in America. God is our only hope and strength. HOLY SPIRIT, Open our eyes, ears, mouth and mind to God’s will and plan for our country. Have Mercy on us . Awaken us to you. We need you so. I pray for forgiveness of transgressions and spiritual revival in America and all the world today. Thank you Father God for your promises Amen.



Reading Psalm 119 this morning when I came across these words in verse 18: "Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in Your Law."

GOD's Law not only as rules and regulations to avoid sinning, but His Law as promises to give hope.

Be blessed!

Eduardo Camacho

Spring, Texas, United States

A dear brother shared this hymn with me today, this is the first song I sing along by myself. Illumine us O Lord!


Champaign, Illinois, United States

This has been my prayer anthem this week. Oh Lord that you would open our eyes, illumine us, Spirit Divine. May the darkness flee. In Jesus name.. For you are the light and the darkness will not overcome us


Dublin, Ireland

Amen!... Praise the Lord!! This precious hymn is now in my heart!

Thank you Beloved Lord Jesus.

I love you!

Open my eyes.. ~ Open our eyes..

Open my ears.. ~ Open our ears..

Open my mouth.. ~ Open our mouths..

/ Open my heart.. ~ Open our hearts..

Open my mind... ~ Open our minds..


NC, United States

My "Morning with Jesus" devotion referenced this hymn. I immediately began singing the song from memory. I have not heard the song in at least 35 years! A wonderful reminder of the small country church I grew up in and sang hymns like this every week. I'm thankful for this reminder and this site with the piano music and lyrics - Praise be to God!


Columbus, OH, United States

This hymn came to me while doing a study on Deborah. As I was trying to be still, and let God show me his will for my life, these words came to mind. I had to pause and sing it out loud. I don’t want to be blind, deaf or unaware of His calling for my life.

Open my eyes Lord.


It really touched me


Clermont, FL, United States

I was just thinking of the condition of our country after seeing a statement by the UK's new PM..."fed up with woke policing and plans to complete 180." This song came to my mind after not hearing it for decades.

Open our eyes Lord... worldwide and may we turn back to You and Your ways.

Revised version:

1. Lord, 'tis Thy face for which I pine;

Come, open wide these eyes of mine;

Thy radiant glory before them shine;

Darkness dispel in light divine.

Lord, now I seek Thy face to see;

May Thou no longer hide from me;

Open my eyes, shine gloriously

Thy face divine!

2. Lord, my desire's Thy voice so dear;

Open my ears, that I may hear;

May Thy voice linger, constant and clear,

All Satan's falsehoods disappear.

Lord, now I seek Thy face to see;

May Thou no longer hide from me;

Open my ears and speak to me

Thy word divine!

3. Thy very self is my heart's plea;

Open my heart, fill utterly;

Thy fullness overflowing in me,

May I be wholly lost in Thee.

Lord, I now seek Thy face to see;

May Thou no longer hide from me;

Open my heart, fill bounteously

With grace divine!