From every stormy wind that blows

From every stormy wind that blows,
From every swelling tide of woes,
There is a calm, a sure retreat—
’Tis found beneath the mercy seat.
There is a place where Jesus sheds
The oil of gladness on our heads,
A place than all besides more sweet—
It is the blood-bought mercy seat.
There is a scene where spirits blend,
Where friend holds fellowship with friend;
Though sundered far, by faith they meet
Around one common mercy seat.
There, there on eagle’s wings we soar,
And time and sense seem all no more,
And heaven comes down our souls to greet,
And glory crowns the mercy seat.

Mount Vernon, KY, United States

Here is the 5th beautiful verse of this hymn...

Ah! whither should we flee for aid,

When tempted, desolate, dismayed?

Or how the hosts of sin defeat,

Had suffering saints no mercy seat?

Jan Harvey

Hamilton, New Zealand

The Lord has touched me with this hymn today and encouraged me.

Joyce Jones

Silver Spring, MD, United States

There is another verse to this song : unfortunately I do not remember all the lines …someone might probably know them:

“Oh whither shall I flee for aid

When helpless, desolate, afraid……

Ana Lara

Storrs, Connecticut, United States

Thomas Hastings who composed the tune to “From every stormy wind that blows” wrote this hymn and it’s music:

Child of Sin and sorrow, filled with dismay,

Wait not for tomorrow, yield three today,

Heaven bids thee come, while yet there’s room,

Child of sin and sorrow, hear and obey.

(Brown and Butterworth)

Ana Lara

Storrs, Connecticut, United States

This hymn of the Christian faith was written by Hugh Stowell close to two centuries ago. Ever since, it has been a consolation to many-a-believer passing through the trials and tribulations of this world.

It was sung by the eight American martyrs, Reverends Albert Johnson, John E. Freeman, David E. Campbell and their wives, and Mr. and Mrs. McMullen, when by order of the bloody Nana Sahib the captive missionaries were taken prisoners and put to death at Cawnpore in 1857. Two little children, Fanny and Willie Campbell suffered with their parents.

Stowell was a popular and effective preacher and a graceful writer. Forty seven hymns are credited to him, the above being the best known. To presume it is “his best, ” leaves a good margin of merit for the rest of his songs. “From every stormy wind that blows, ” has practically but one tune. It has been sung to Hastings “Retreat” ever since the music was made.

Ana Lara

United States

Hugh Stowell was born December 3, 1799, at Douglas on the Isle of Man. His father, also named Hugh was the Rector at Ballaugh near Ramsey, England.

Hugh Stowell Jr. received his education at St. Edmunds Hall, Oxford, where he earned his

B. A. in 1822 and M. A. in 1826. The details of his conversion are not known. He was ordained a minister to the Church of England and served at Shepscombe,

Gloucestershire, and later at Huddersfield and Salford. He published hymn books which included his own, some of which were children’s hymns. He went to be with the Lord “where glory crowns the mercy seat. ” October 8, 1865.

An interesting incident is recorded as to this hymn. In 1871 while the great Chicago fire raged on, it engulfed the First Baptist Church. Those inside said, ”Our house must go, but let us have one more prayer within its walls. ” Then rising from their knees they sang together as they left the building.

“From every stormy wind that blows,

From every swelling tide of woes,

There is a calm, a sure retreat

‘Tis found beneath the mercy seat. ” (original stanza)


Very comforting today.


This met a need today.

D. J. G.

Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil

What a beautiful tune!

Peter Joseph

McDonough, Georgia (GA), United States

Is there more than one tune to sing this song? I asked because I know it in a different tune.