Recherche 15
E155 Christ delivered me when bound Classique
E675 God moves in a mysterious way Classique
E862 Jesus, where'er Thy people meet Classique
E38 Of all the gifts Thy love bestows Classique
E706 Sometimes a light surprises Classique
E1006 There is a fountain filled with blood Classique
E625 Tis my happiness below Classique
C686 今有一泉血流盈滿 Classic (詩歌)
C26 你所給雖然甚多 Classic (詩歌)
F125 C'est mon bonheur ici-bas Classic (French)
S469 Hay un precioso manantial Classic (Spanish)
T38 Kaloob ng Iyong pag-ibig Classic (Filipino)
T1006 May bukal ng dugong banal Classic (Filipino)
T155 Nang Kristo'y natalian Classic (Filipino)
P446 O sangue de Emanuel Classic (Portuguese)