Christ liveth in me

B295 Cs120 D507 E507 F90 G507 K801 LSM138 P237 R97 S219 T507
Once far from God and dead in sin,
  No light my heart could see;
But in God’s Word the light I found,
  Now Christ liveth in me.
Christ liveth in me,
Christ liveth in me;
Oh! what a salvation this,
  That Christ liveth in me.
As rays of light from yonder sun,
  The flow’rs of earth set free,
So life and light and love come forth
  From Christ living in me.
As lives the flow’r within the seed,
  As in the cone the tree,
So, praise the Christ of truth and grace,
  His Spirit dwelleth in me.
With longing all my heart is filled,
  That like Him I may be,
As on the wondrous thought I dwell
  That Christ liveth in me.
Livvy Dunne

Baron Rouge, Louisiana, United States

Christ liveth in me,

Christ liveth in me;

Oh! what a salvation this,

That Christ liveth in me.

Maria L

Fremont, California, United States

Praise the Lord!

Our human life is mingled with the divine life. We live by Christ and He lives in us.

I am crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me; and the life which I now life in the flesh I live in faith, the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me.

( Galatians 2:20 )

Hallelujah for this organic union joined in Christ 😀

Dana Silvey

Hope, Arkansas, United States

As I am contemplating this morning how a Christian can have joy in the midst of trials, the realization is that it is only through God’s word that we can have true peace and joy. So the first verse of this song is very true, that without God’s word we have no light in our hearts. And it is through God’s word that Christ can live in us and we can have true fulfillment and joy in life no matter what our circumstances are. Praise God!

Clay Sylvester

Wau, Illinois, United States

I awoke this morning a verse of this hymn surfaced... "As lives the flower within the seed, as in the cone the tree, So life and light and love come forth from Christ living in me... Christ liveth in me...!"

I had recently cried, Lord, how can this be, that You live in me... or any of us? I dont even know how I live in me! Recently, as I walked in a park, I picked up a beautiful pine cone with great interest, not realizing what I had in my hands... it was wondrous, yet my realization was dull, my revelation was short...

Paul says, "To whom God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is CHRIST IN YOU, the hope of glory," (Colossians 1:27)

Lord, thank You that I can just believe this mystery... let go... let God... and with joy just say, "Amen!"

Tonnie Yulo

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

What a wonderful salvation we have in Christ!

James Smith

Mansfield, Ohio, United States

Oh what a salvation is this that Christ lives in me. When I see the world around me, I can see what I have been saved from. But much more, I’m being saved from my old corrupted, sinful nature and I’m partaking of His divine nature in the Word. When I turn to Him, I no longer live out that old selfish nature that can dominates me, but I live by faith in the loving, self sacrificing, nature of Christ. As I experience this life I long to be more like Him. So this becomes my walk by faith. Oh what a salvation this is, that Christ lives in me!

Valdir Alves Pereira

São Gonçalo, RJ, Brazil

Mais uma vez, obrigado.

Vocês disponibilizam várias opções de idiomas, e O português está entre eles. Posso cantar na minha língua.

Obrigado, irmãos em Cristo. Deus vos abençoe.

Valdir Alves Pereira

São Gonçalo, RJ, Brazil

Obrigado por postar hinos tão maravilhosos. "Cristo Vive em mim" tem sinfonia e letra que fala profundo aos nossos corações. Von tentar traduzir, com a ajuda do Google para O português. Não se há algum hinário das Igrejas aqui no Brasil que O tenha. Se souber procurarei comprar. Obrigado. Deus vos abençoe.


Venus, TX, United States

I found this site while on business travel... having quiet time with my LORD..... while reading all these comments the HOLY SPIRIT has filled me with overflowing tears of joy reading all my brothers and sisters comments on how CHRIST LIVETH IN ME! How sweet our JESUS is.......

Jenny Alvarez

United States

Amen 🙏🏼

In the church meetings, we may enjoy singing, "Christ liveth in me, Christ liveth in me." However, when the meeting is over, we are the ones who live, not Christ. Instead of Christ living in us, our inward being is occupied with ourselves. But if we see the vision of Christ living in us, we shall stop all our doing. How blessed it is to do nothing and to let Christ live in us! The Lord does not want us to try to improve our behavior. He does not want us to try to be a good husband or wife. The Christian life is Christ living in us. In such a life, we and Christ have one life and one living. Christ lives in our living. Oh, we desperately need to see this vision! We need to pray, "Lord, show me the vision that God only wants one Person. He wants Christ to live in me." This vision will spontaneously terminate all of our efforts and doings. It will turn us from our trying to the indwelling Christ.

I appreciate the fact that Christ lives in us. There is even a hymn in our hymnal with this chorus:

Christ liveth in me,

Christ liveth in me;

Oh! what a salvation this,

That Christ liveth in me.

However, simply to say that Christ lives in us is to be too objective. We also need to experience living in Christ and doing all things in Him. What a salvation it is to live in Him! If we live in Him, we shall enjoy His salvation day by day. This salvation can be compared to riding in a car. As long as we remain in the car, we enjoy salvation. When I ride in a car, I am not worried about what direction I am going or anything else. I may rest, pray, or enjoy sight-seeing. I simply rest and enjoy myself. In like manner, when we are in Christ, we should simply rest and enjoy ourselves. We should enjoy the life in Christ.

The burden of this ministry is to produce Christ in the believers. This means that the goal of this ministry is not to teach you to be humble or merely to glorify God in your behavior. Rather, the goal of this ministry is to "inject" you with Christ, to impart Christ as an "antibiotic" to you. The more we receive such an injection, the more we will be able to sing, "Christ liveth in me,/Christ liveth in me;/Oh! what a salvation this,/That Christ liveth in me" (Hymns, #507). On the one hand, this injection of Christ will kill our old man; on the other hand, it will make us producers of Christ, those who minister Christ to others.

Piano Hymns