Something every heart is loving

Something every heart is loving:
  If not Jesus, none can rest;
Lord, my heart to Thee is given;
  Take it, for it loves Thee best.
Thus I cast the world behind me;
  Jesus most beloved shall be;
Beauteous more than all things beauteous,
  He alone is joy to me.
Bright with all eternal radiance
  Is the glory of Thy face;
Thou art loving, sweet, and tender,
  Full of pity, full of grace.
When I hated, Thou didst love me,
  Shedd’st for me Thy precious blood;
Still Thou lovest, lovest ever,
  Shall I not love Thee, my God?
Keep my heart still faithful to Thee,
  That my earthly life may be
But a shadow to that glory
  Of my hidden life in Thee.

Irving, Texas, United States

"a shadow of that glory of my hidden life in Thee"

And my God will fill your every need according to His riches, in glory, in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19

In glory modifies fill. Glory is the expression of God; it is God expressed in splendor. God's rich supply to the believers, who are His children, expresses God and bears the glory of God. The apostle assured the Philippians that God would abundantly supply all their needs in a way that would bring them into His glory

Cody Enderli

Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Keep my heart still faithful to Thee,

That my earthly life may be

But a shadow to that glory

Of my hidden life in Thee.

Michele Troughton

Vallejo, CA, United States

Lord, my heart is given to Thee; take it for it loves Thee best.

Lord Jesus, I love You; I love You best. You have a way of capturing our hearts above everything in the world. Keep drawing us to Yourself. You never give up on us.

I have always known the new tune. Thank You, Lord Jesus, and thank you, saints, for


H, TX, United States

O Bright with all eternal radiance

Is the glory of Thy face;

Jack Wang

San Diego, CA, United States

Shall I not love Thee, my God?

Abraham Romero

Edinburg, Texas, United States

Lord, my heart to Thee is given; Take it, for it loves Thee best.

Allen In Christ

San Marcos, TX, United States

Something every heart is loving:

If not Jesus, none can rest;

Oh don’t let me rest!

Samuel Yu

Austin, TX, United States

“Still Thou lovest, lovest ever,

Shall I not love Thee, my God?”


Austin, TX, United States

Lord, keep my heart still faithful to Thee! May my earthly life be but a shadow to that glory of my hidden life in Thee...

Nelson Liu

Irvine, CA, United States

He alone is joy to me!