Christ is the Spirit

Christ came to the Earth to bring the Father near to us,
In human flesh He was born as a man,
And the Spirit of God supplied all God’s life into Him,
Christ as the life-giving Spirit to be.
  Christ is the Spirit, Christ is the Spirit,
Christ is the life-giving Spirit in me,
As I love and obey Him, His Spirit is released in me,
Christ is the life-giving Spirit in me.
Christ gave up His life to bring the Father into me,
Upon the cross He has died in my place,
And He rose from the dead, Son of Man now to be glorified,
Christ as a man, now the Spirit of God.
Christ now as the Spirit, with the Father in the Son,
Now in my spirit He dwells within me,
And He gives life to me as I seek Him each and every day,
Christ now the life-giving Spirit in me.
Mark Whilden

Burke, Va, United States

This song just fits with my enjoyment of the book, "Living in and with the Divine Trinity". Everything God is doing for man is through the His Trinity. We need to see the Divine Trinity throughout the entire Bible.