In Contact Through the Ages

In contact through the ages, God designates Himself;
“Jehovah” is His title as He speaks to us.
Not distant and unknowable, but seen with Abraham
Whose contact, sweet and intimate.
  The “I Am Who I Am,” the self-existing One,
What miracle that He would stoop to us;
Not formal ways from concept
But sweet relationship
That comes as conversation of two friends.
While Abraham remained standing before Jehovah,
His purpose was to intercede for Lot, for Lot.
This glorious intercession that Abraham made
Was just a human conversation.
Not a stranger you talk to in the grocery store once,
Not a relative you call twice a month;
This human relationship between God and man
Comes from many interactions.
A lover of Jesus

South Africa

This is so sweet! Lord thank You for Your fine & precious humanity.

Keep us speaking to You in such a normal way. No pretence, but genuine.

Richel Rafinan

Quezon, Philippines

Lord, may You recover, develop and strengthen our intimate, sweet and affectionate relationship towards You!