Do you not know that those who run

Do you not know that those who run,
Run on a racecourse, all run,
All run, but one receives the prize?
Run in this way, that you may lay hold.
And everyone who contends exercises
Self-control in all things; those therefore,
That they may receive a corruptible crown,
But we receive an incorruptible.
Philip Watson

United States

There is another verse, composed of 9:26,27, 23

I therefore run but as a servant be,

so I box, not as beating the air.

I buffet my body and beat it as a slave,

lest having preached to others, I disapproved become.

I do all things for the sake of the gospel

That I may become a fellow partaker.

Enjoying the gospel, a joint participant

Enjoying the gospel, a partaker of it.