As gathered in Thy precious name

As gathered in Thy precious name,
  This table we surround,
Thy death, Lord Jesus, to proclaim,
  O may our praise abound.
We give what from Thee we receive,
  For all we have is Thine—
O may each heart with joy believe,
  And echo “Thine is mine!”
Grace, grace it was that brought Thee down;
  Love shone in all Thy ways;
Through death Thine is the Victor’s crown
  And Thine the endless praise.
We, here, in silence, or in song,
  Together worship Thee;
Before our God we shall ere long
  Give praise eternally.
Lord Jesus Christ, Thou comest soon—
  Today Thy death we show;
In light, eclipsing sun at noon,
  Its myst’ry we shall know.
Ana Lara

Storrs, Connecticut, United States

Douglas Russell was born at Old Cummock, Ayrshire and was saved at the age of nineteen, at the time of the Great Awakening in Scotland. Through the ministry of the American evangelist E. P. Hammond and author of “I feel like singing all the time, ” young Douglas received his first spiritual impression. Soon afterwards Mr. Douglas devoted Himself to the Lord’s work, preaching and singing the Gospel everywhere he traveled. During this time, he came in contact with most of the well-known preachers of his time. He also assisted Sankey in leading the singing on several occasions.

David J. Beattie, author of “Stories and Sketches of Our Hymns and Their Writers” writes of his experience in spending a day with then the aged hymn writer Mr. Douglas: “It was my privilege to hear from the lips of the veteran evangelist and hymn writer, the story of how the steps of D. L. Moody, that plain-looking American preacher, were directed to these shores of ours, and of his memorable visit a year later. And as we sat together in the sunshine of a beautiful summer day, I seemed to be transported to days and scenes which will ever be memorable. ”

It is not known for certain that Mr. Russell was instrumental in leading Mr. Moody to do evangelistic work in England but in 1870-72, the two evangelists met for the first time while Russell conducted a Gospel mission in New York. At the end of the mission, Moody said in his usual blunt manner, “I want you to come to Chicago”; to which Douglas replied, “I’ll go to Chicago if the way is clear, on condition you go back with me to England in the summer. ” The outcome was that the two evangelists embarked for England on May 24th, 1872.

They were together much of the time during Moody’s visit and God used him to such an extent that the American evangelist decided to return the following year. Moody and Russell traveled to Dublin where Mr. Henry, a renowned preacher, was delivering a series of messages to Christians. During his sermon Henry remarked, “The world has yet to see what God can do with a man who is fully consecrated. ” Moody then and there asked God if he could be that man— a prayer that was answered in a remarkable way.

In June of 1873, D. L. Moody returned to Great Britain with his gospel partner Ira. D. Sankey and continued to do so for nearly thirty years.

On November 14th, 1933, at the age of ninety-two Douglas Russell went to be with the Lord after a lifetime of service. He retained his youthful zeal until the end spreading the “Good News” in song and story.

Kevin B.

Dedham, MA, United States

It's wonderful to think that you and your great grandfather are enjoying the same grace, love in Christ, your brother.

Christine Davies

Teignmouth, Devon, United Kingdom

This hymn was written by my great grandfather, so it has special meaning to me.