Glory, glory, glory, praise and adoration

B2 C2 E2 K2 T2
Glory, glory, glory, praise and adoration!
Hear the anthems swelling out thro’ all eternity!
Father, Son, and Spirit—God in revelation—
  Prostrate each soul before the Deity!
Father, source of glory, naming every fam’ly;
And the Son upholding all by His almighty power;
Holy Spirit, filling the vast scene of glory—
  O glorious Fulness, let our hearts adore!
God supreme, we worship now in holy splendour,
Head of the vast scene of bliss, before Thy face we fall!
Majesty and greatness, glory, praise and power
  To Thee belong, eternal Source of all!
Edna Leung

Hong Kong, China

Thank you for adding the singing track to the website. Never been able to really appreciate this hymn till now when it can be sung properly. Prostrate before Him, adore Him, we belong to You. Glory be to the Triune God, filling us and bring us into glory.

Ana Lara

Tolland, Connecticut, United States

Stanley McCallum was born in Scotland in 1904. He worked on a troller in Scotland until he came to the U. S. in 1921. Here he worked at the Ford plant in Detroit on the assembly line.

While in Scotland he would go out to sea to catch herring and other fish. On one occasion, he befriended a wounded golden eagle. It became a pet and would return every day to the boat and Mc Callum would feed it.

Stanley and his wife loved to travel and did so all over the world. He also loved music and wrote several hymns.

In the early 1980’s, he became incapacitated and was cared by his daughter and her family in a nursing home. He died in 1987.

Leigh Powell

United Kingdom

It is in Isaiah 46, I think, that God says He will not share His glory with another. And in John 17, the high priestly prayer of Jesus in Gethsemane, Jesus prays 'glorify thou me with the glory I had with thee before the world was'. So we see that Jesus Christ is God, and as God He was perfectly suited to be the sinless sin offering for the world on the cross at Calvary.

If Jesus Christ is NOT God, He could NOT die for the sins of the world on the cross, as He would, Imrespectfully say, be a sinner who could never be this suitable as a spotless Lamb of God.

But praise be to God, He is the spotless Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world.


Nairobi, Busia, Kenya

Father is the source of glory, Jesus is upholding all by His mighty powers & the Holy Spirit is filling the vast scene of glory, O glorious fullness, let our hearts adore.

Matt Stoebe

Shoreline, Washington, United States

Oh Jesus God! Christ Lord is Jesus! Amen!

Daniel Jackson

Fullerton, California, United States

The author is Stanley McCallum, who was a ministering brother among the "exclusive brethren," originally from Scotland and later Detroit. He lived from 1904-1987.

Garland Evonni Baysa

Tuguegarao, Cagayan

Praise the Lord... AMEN!!!!

Jon Jonyy


Piano Hymns