Holy priests are living stones

Holy priests are living stones
For God's building work today;
If these stones would builded be
All the priests must learn to pray.
  To the holiest often come,
In the spirit touch the throne,
Let the Lord flow thru in prayer,
  Thus the building work is done.
All the saints must serve as priests,
That the living stones they be;
Each must priestly work perform,
Then their functions we will see.
Tent and priests of olden times
Always did together go;
When the priests served in the tent,
Into one the two did flow.
Now the building spiritual
And the priesthood all are one;
Now the building of the house
By the priestly work is done.
In the priests the substance is
Of the building work replete;
When the priests their work discharge,
Then God's house will be complete.
Building God and man in one
Is their work before the Lord;
In this fellowship divine
Saints are built in one accord.
When in prayer our spirits blend,
Then together built are we,
Then a priesthood we become,
Off'ring sacrifice to Thee.
Grant us grace, O Lord, that we
Treasure dear the priestly call;
In the spirit serve and pray,
That Thy church be built withal.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Lui Lee Eliza

Hong Kong

I love so much this piece of music composed by Samuel Webbe ... it harmonizes so well into the atmosphere of going deep in HIM ... entering ... entering... lampstand ... face bread ... incense burner .. Brother Lee’s lyrics just fill this music with the spirit of priesthood... so the two ( Webbe’s melody and Lee’s lyrics )

though a century apart wonderfully generate the FLOW a piece of architecture that we cannot miss to enter ... we cannot afford to miss the privilage calling to become HIS living stones !

( yet I wonder tonight what is the original lyrics for this beautiful Catholic hymn ? )

Our 24 hour/ 360 Day prayer should go on ... no matter what ...


Iligan, Tubod, Philippines

To the holiest often come

in the spirit touch the throne

let the Lord flow through in prayer

thus the building work is done.

Piano Hymns