We’re grains of wheat, but within us

We’re grains of wheat, but within us
What a powerful life is concealed!
Through death’s limitation and breaking,
Resurrection’s bright glory’s revealed.
Fall into the ground,
Let the soul life be crucified,
And fruit will abound;
God’s life will be multiplied.
We’re grains of wheat, but within us
What a powerful life is concealed!
Through death’s limitation and breaking,
Resurrection’s bright glory’s revealed.
Time after time He has called me;
Now His footsteps I’ll take willingly;
Lord, leave me no longer unbroken,
Let Your life have its full way in me.
Sow me in the ground;
Resurrection will bud in life!
Then fruit will abound,
Hundredfold ’twill multiply!
Time after time He has called me;
Now His footsteps I’ll take willingly;
Lord, leave me no longer unbroken,
Let Your life have its full way in me.