The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want

The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want;
  He makes me down to lie
In pastures green; He leadeth me
  The quiet waters by.
My soul He doth restore again,
  And me to walk doth make
Within the paths of righteousness,
  E’en for His own name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk in death’s dark vale,
  Yet will I fear no ill;
For Thou art with me, and Thy rod
  And staff me comfort still.
My table Thou hast furnished
  In presence of my foes;
My head Thou dost with oil anoint,
  And my cup overflows.
Goodness and mercy all my life
  Shall surely follow me,
And in God’s house forevermore
  My dwelling-place shall be.
Andama Joseph

Hoima, Oil City, AL, Uganda

A hymn that rids the weary soul of sorrow and sets it singing all day long...

I thank God for it.

Palesa Lesupi

Mooikloof Ridge, Gauteng, South Africa

Thank You Lord for these lyrics. I am singing 🙌


Nairobi, Kenya

Great hymn with a soothing message


Woodstock, GA, United States

What a joy to find these lyrics! I heard this version of the 23rd Psalm decades ago in a Billy Graham International Crusade and have searched for years for these words. Surely this is one of the most beautiful and comforting of the Psalms, and I am thankful that the Word of God is “forever settled in heaven” (Ps. 119:89).

Uduak Nduoyo

Uyo, Akwa, Nigeria

This is my best hymn so far because anytime am sad feel rejected and abandoned, the only hymn that will come to my mine is psalm 23 and once I keep singing it, all my worries and pains will just fade away.

Che Donna

Perth, Western Australia, Australia

The Lord has walked with me my whole life. He has seen my horror. Been the push of strength. Lead me to amazing humans to see me through and teach by example survival. In the aftermarth of selfish others he asks me to forgive to overcome so many trials. Today he needed me to witness and assist at a car accident. Though a Muslim Lady my prayers are with her tonight as hopefully she begins a journey of healing. May I always be greatful to your blessings, and lead as you need. Thy will be done. 🙏 Again this song calms my heart with some hope to my questionable future. Tonight trust and hope is all I have...

Jeff in NM

Tijeras, New Mexico, United States

I was looking for this version of lyrics - I so often remember only a few lines of songs and this helps me with the whole song. It is so comforting to sing this, knowing we have a Good Shepherd who watches over us! -thank you


United Kingdom

I have been painting a sunset on canvas and want to write on it the hymn version of Psalm 23. It means so much to me as I was brought up with this Hymn and needed this version. I now understand exactly what it means! Glory be to God. Thank you for posting this hymn


Nairobi, Kenya

This hym lifts my soul up when my heart is down and crushed.

May God bless the writer abundantly.



Marietta, Georgia, United States

Thank you for posting this. I was reading a story about the 23rd psalm to my 3 year old daughter tonight (Alice in Bibleland series), and I sang her the hymn after. I could not remember beyond the first verse! She fell asleep by verse 4, so I know she was sleepy!