Lord, You are more precious than silver

Lord, You are more precious than silver;
Lord, You are more costly than gold;
Lord, You are more beautiful than diamonds;
And nothing I desire compares with You.
Lord, Your life is divine, eternal.
Lord, Your life regenerated me.
Lord, Your life is growing within me,
Until I am fully conformed to Thee.
Lord, Your love is wide as the ocean.
Lord, Your love is deep as the sea.
Lord, Your love encompasses the nations,
And that is all I want to live in me.
Lord, Your light is shining within us;
Lord, Your light drives darkness away.
Lord, Your light is guiding us onwards,
Preparing us for the coming wedding day.
Sis LC

New Zealand

Isa 40:25-26, To whom will you liken Me, That I should be compared? Says the Holy One. Lift up your eyes on high, And see who has created these things…

We had a young people camp over the weekend at a beautiful location among the mountains, valleys and the sea. As we lifted up our eyes while we sang this song, we could see how beautiful our creator must be.

And He is more beautiful than the creation that we see. When people, matters, and things, turn away from us, He will never turn away from us. When things start to get ugly, He will remain beautiful forever. "The grass withers and the flower fades, But the word of our God will stand forever(Isa 40:8)". There is nothing more precious than our God. "There is no comparison between Him and anyone or anything else (Isa 40:25 footnote 1)"

The most astonishing fact is that this beautiful God did not remain outside of us. He became a life giving Spirit to impart Himself as life to us (1Cor. 15:45b). How beautiful this is! God is now mingled with us as one organic entity. We possess the divine life of the One who is beyond comparision! He is precious, people! Let's tell the nations how beautiful our God is! He is worthy of our praise!


Bogor, West Java, Indonesia

Thank God for this song.

baguuus banget ini lagu. aku tahu lg ini udah lama, dannn sampai hr ini, ini jadi lagi kesukaan saya, Gbu all.

Joy Legua


Hallelujah! we praise & thank You Lord! Now, day by day, we can enjoy and experience Your eternal love, Your abounding grace & richness! Indeed, You are our Everything! Oh Lord Jesus we love You! Thank You for You first loved us:) Amen. ptL! :)


Folsom, CA, United States

This is a good song for drawing our hearts back to Him, and it gives Him an opening to reveal how precious He is to us. Singing this while beholding a sunset or ocean does amazing things to the heart, but it's also a good song for letting us step outside of our outward situation and realize He is all we need.