Watch! for the morning is breaking

Watch! for the morning is breaking,
  A moment, and He will be here!
The mists and the shadows are fleeing,
  The darkness will soon disappear;
And He, for whom ages have waited,
  The Lord Who has tarried so long,
Will come in an outburst of glory,
  A moment, and we shall be gone.
Watch! for the morning is breaking,
  A moment, the crown will be won!
A moment, and we shall be with Him,
  A moment, the journey is done!
Lord, keep us each moment unsleeping,
  And count us all worthy to be
In that noble band of Thy watchers,
  Whose life is a vigil with Thee.
Sarah Anne

Ochtrup, Munster, Germany

we should be watching and waiting; oh heavenly father; help us to to be alert and waitchfull; what wonderfull God you: I just love you: thank you for being all around us ; I desire to be near you ; prayerfully watching; help me my father; to beall you want me to be: revelation3; 11 I am coming soon. hold onto what you have, so that no one will take crown. amen

help to be worthy: