I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me

I stand all amazed at the love Jesus offers me,
Confused at the grace that so fully He proffers me;
I tremble to know that for me He was crucified,
That for me, a sinner, He suffered, He bled and died.
O it is wonderful that He should care for me
  Enough to die for me!
  O it is wonderful, wonderful to me!
I marvel that He would descend from His throne divine
To rescue a soul so rebellious and proud as mine;
That He should extend His great love unto such as I,
Sufficient to own, to redeem, and to justify.
I think of His side, pierced and bleeding to pay the debt,
Such mercy, such love and devotion can I forget?
No, no! I will praise and adore at the mercy seat,
And testify all my desires He doth fully meet.
Steve Miller

Detroit, MI, United States

Charles Gabriel, said to be the "Prince of American Hymn Writers," was born on a farm shack on the plains of Iowa. He is said to have known better than any other hymn writer of his day just how to put the finishing touches on a hymn. He said that he had never had a music lesson. He said he was about 10 years old before he saw his first musical instrument, which he thought was a rough type of harpsichord. He must have had some instruction in music later, for he taught music to a group of negro boys in Texas, and later to a group of American Indians in Muskogee, Oklahoma. In his old age He testified:

"My 60 years of Gospel song have been eventful, tolerant, and interesting. Failure more often than success mars the path I have traveled. Now since the years have led me up the eastern slope and down the mountain top of life, I am hurrying toward the silent sea that lies shimmering before me. I begin to realize that my work has not been so much a failure as I had concluded. To meet those who have been helped in times past by my hymns is worth more than all the gold that was ever mined." - Hymn Stories by Wilbur Konkel

Regina Loga

United States

Where would I be without His amazing love. Amen.

Madeleine Baier

Ypsilanti, Michigan, United States

This beautiful hymn sums it all up.

"I stand all amazed!"

Felicia Fernandez

United States

Verse three should read, "I think of His hands pierced and bleeding"....

Felicia Fernandez

United States

"And testify all my desires He doth fully meet... is actually written as "Until at the glorified throne I kneel at His feet." Who is rewriting this song?


South Africa

I listen to these words and picture everything in my mind. It reminds me that this song is true in every aspect and it puts feelings into words that cannot be explained. This song is one of the most beautiful, touching songs I have ever heard and the feeling it gives the listener (me) is indescribably magnificent.


Glen Innes, Nsw, Australia

This is beautiful. I love reading or listening to anything that reminds me that God's love for me is real. It's like precious healing balm to my heart. God is so good to inspire people to write songs like this which express so clearly the greatness of God's love and sacrifice for us.

I really like what Gary had to say about taking time to ponder and meditate on God's love and sacrifice. This is something I definitely want to do more often.


Kimba Vasquez

Riverside, CA, United States

This song changed my life... I was a very young woman, lost and confused and needing someone to love me for who I was... then I hear this song and it all made sense to me... I thank my heavenly Father for the wonderful missionaire that came into my life and introduce me to my eternal home... my eternal life.


Seattle, WA, United States

As I ponder these old hymns (also John Newton's Let Us Love and Sing and Wonder) I see a pattern of amazement as the authors behold the love of Christ displayed in His suffering on the cross. I sense that this awe plays an important role in experiencing His presence in our lives. In I John 3, John is so amazed at the fact that we are called "children of God", that he breaks into praise emoting, "Behold what manner of love...". May God help us to give the time to ponder and meditate on the depths of His suffering and love for us.


Auckland, New Zealand

We sung this song before the blessing of the sacrament today. I cried for the first time singing at Sacrament meeting because the words of this song had spoken to me about the love of Jesus for us. It is so real and unconditional.