On the Lord’s day, John, in spirit

On the Lord’s day, John, in spirit,
Heard a voice and turned and saw
Seven lampstands brightly shining;
Of pure gold, divine, they were.
In the midst of them, appearing,
He beheld the Son of Man,
Ever for the churches caring,
Tending God’s eternal plan.
His appearance, lo, how different
From the One John knew before.
Now He’s girt in golden raiment,
Not the robe which then He wore.
Girt about the breasts and serving,
He the priesthood fully bears;
Cherishing the lampstands dearly,
He for all the churches cares.
Ancient One He is, yet fresher
Than the newly driven snow;
Eyes are as a flaming fire,
Feet as burnished brass aglow.
Tender eyes that gazed at Peter,
Now are as a burning flame;
And the voice that whispered, “Mary,”
Many waters now became.
John, once formerly reclining
On His breast, now fell as dead,
When he saw Him thus in spirit,
As He is, exhibited.
Lo, the Christ of Revelation!
See Him, thus intensified,
That the lampstands, His expression,
May be strengthened and supplied.

Kaduna, Nigeria

Wow I just love the verse 3 speaks of the transformation


United States

I have been enjoying songs such as hymn 82, “Down from His glory ever living story... ” Then I wrote a song on my own contemplation. But this song seems to cap it off for me. I like the last verse, especially the last four lines, “Lo, the Christ of Revelation! See Him, thus intensified, That the lampstands, His expression, May be strengthened and supplied. ” Praise the Lord that He is intensified!