搜索 16
C491 我必与你同在 经典诗歌
C296 更多认识基督 经典诗歌
C262 荣耀之光福乐之光 经典诗歌
E8491 Always I'll be with you 经典诗歌
E686 Fear not, I am with thee 经典诗歌
E416 Lower and lower, dear Lord, at Thy feet 经典诗歌
E382 More about Jesus would I know 经典诗歌
E8296 More of Christ Jesus I would know 经典诗歌
E330 My faith has found a resting place 经典诗歌
E343 There is sunshine in my soul today 经典诗歌
T686 "Huwag kang mangamba Classic (Filipino)
D330 In dogma's of in godsdienstleer 经典诗歌(菏兰语)
P188 Mais de Cristo quero ver 经典诗歌(葡萄牙语)
S170 Más de Jesús quiero aprender 经典诗歌(西班牙语)
T382 Nais kong lalong matalos Classic (Filipino)
T343 Sa puso may sinag-araw Classic (Filipino)