Blend us, Lord, Blend us, Lord

Blend us, Lord, blend us, Lord, 'til we are in one accord.
Hallelujah—the saints going on!
Blend us, Lord, blend us, Lord, open hearts we can afford.
Hallelujah—the churches go on!
As the members of
His organic Body,
We need the others to go on.
As local churches,
We do also need
One another for our going on.
Build us up, build us up, as with one another sup'.
Hallelujah—the riches of Christ!
Build us up, build us up, as with You we all rise up.
Hallelujah—the living Body!
As blended members
Of His one Body,
We, the Lord do glorify!
His Light does shine!
Reviving Life does flow!
And we do see that Satan is crushed!
Bless us, Lord! bless us, Lord! All prevailing is Your blood!
Hallelujah, we're built up in love!
Consummate! Consummate! All Your purpose consummate!
Hallelujah—"The fullness thereof!"
The gates of Hades
Never will prevail
Against the builded up church!
When we are one,
The enemy is done!
The Lord Jesus is able to come!
Intercede! Intercede! For Your people, meet Your need!
Hallelujah! Get Your Bride this way.
Have Your way! Have Your way! Do a building work we pray—
Hallelujah—in our life each day!
Through the cross of Jesus,
By the Spirit filled,
We are blending, building up!
We all are one!
We are...Jerusalem!
Dear Lord Jesus, we ask You to come!
Sister Balla

Tirane, Albania

We all are one!

We are... Jerusalem!

Dear Lord Jesus, we ask You to come!

A sister

Denton, TX, United States

What a beautiful song! I love it! Lord, built us up with one another

to consummate the New Jerusalem!

A member of the body of Christ

Lord, blend us, build us, bless us, intercede! That You may have Your glorious church! Your BRIDE! So that You may come back and we will be there waiting for You, prepared and ready for You.