All praise to our redeeming Lord

E858 R534
All praise to our redeeming Lord,
  Who joins us by His grace,
And bids us, each to each restored,
  Together seek His face,
  Together seek His face.
He bids us build each other up;
  And, gathered into one,
To our high calling's glorious hope,
  We hand in hand go on,
  We hand in hand go on.
The gift which He on one bestows,
  We all delight to prove;
The grace through every vessel flows,
  In purest streams of love,
  In purest streams of love.
We all partake the joy of one;
  The common peace we feel;
A peace to worldly minds unknown,
  A joy unspeakable,
  A joy unspeakable.
And if our fellowship below
  In Christ yet be so sweet,
What height of rapture shall we know,
  When round His throne we meet,
  When round His throne we meet!
James Smith

Mansfield, Ohio, United States

You can see the church in this hymn. How wonderful we are joined in grace so we together seek His faith. Christ bids each of us to build each other up and gather into one. This is the ecclesia. Verse three shows the function of the gifted ones to incite (cause to flow) grace in all the saints. This is the true organic body life. So we all partake of one (Christ) and peace is brought into our gathering. This is Joy unspeakable and true fellowship is experienced. This is the practical church life. This was written a hundred and twenty years before Watchman Nee’s vision of one church like this in a city. God is still bringing us into this Christ so that their can be a living testimony of His love.

Church In T.O.

Camarillo, CA, United States

This song is JOY on unspeakable....


Calgary, Alberta, Canada

This song is just what I needed this morning! Thank You JESUS!! Thou art worthy!!


San Jose, CA

A peace to worldly minds unknown

A joy unspeakable

Luis Gonzalez

San Salvador, El Salvador


Piano Hymns