The Holy Building of God

In Christ, God's will and heart's desire
Is focused, fixed, and firm;
Towards one thing only God has worked
For time's entire term;
His purpose, from eternity,
Has always been the same—
To mingle His own life with man
To glorify His name.
As Architect and Builder too
God works to build His house;
The building is the mingling
Of Bridegroom with His spouse;
As Eve was built from Adam's rib,
The church comes out from Christ;
His wife prepares to marry Him
By mingling in life.
Christ is our entrance into God,
Our portal and our way,
The Pearl prepared by wounding sand,
Redemption made for aye.
God's building is sustained by Christ,
Upheld victoriously;
God's testimony He uplifts
In His humanity.
Christ also is the Man of bronze
Before the building's gate,
Whom God has judged on our behalf,
Most qualified His state.
He knows our real condition and
Has paid our debt with blood.
He measures us, possessing us,
To mingle us with God.
When found in Christ, expressing God,
We overcome with might,
Protected by God's holy fire
Within us burning bright!
The Triune God in Christ will be
The glory at the heart
Of all we are and all we do,
Transparency our part.
The element that builds the church,
That constitutes the saints,
Is Christ the resurrected One,
The Blessing earth awaits!
The Spirit of reality
Infuses us with Christ!
We gain Him through our mingling
With resurrection life!
This mingling in glory is
The New Jerusalem,
The Holy City, God's elect,
Yea, God built into man!
As God's expression, we'll be there,
Inwrought with Christ the Son,
Co-kings with Him, those crowned with life,
Matured and built as one!
Vali Balla

Tirana, Albania

The Triune God in Christ will be

The glory at the heart

Of all we are and all we do,

Transparency our part.