Fight the battle in the Body

C637 CB885 E885 G885 K637 P415 R334 S398
Fight the battle in the Body,
  Never fight it on your own;
With the Body to the Head joined,
  Fight the battle on the throne.
Fight the battle in the Body!
  By the virtue of the Head;
Standing firmly with the Body,
    Into vict'ry you'll be led.
For the Body is God's armor,
  Not for anyone alone;
When you wrestle in the Body,
  All its benefits you own.
'Tis the Church on Christ established
  Satan shall not overpow'r;
'Tis the Body built together
  Which resists the evil pow'r.
In the Body, by the Headship,
  Sitting in the heavenlies,
Struggle with the wicked spirits
  And the principalities.
As a member of the Body,
  With the brethren stand for God;
Praying always in the Spirit,
  Claim the vict'ry through the Blood.
In the heav'nlies more than conqu'ror,
  In the power of His might,
As a soldier in the army,
  In the Lord the battle fight.
Keep on wrestling in the Body,
  Mighty vict'ry you will see,
Bind and loose, God's will fulfilling,
  And the foes your food will be.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Br Jeff Hall

Church In Worcester, Massachusetts, United States

We stand as ONE in each locality, We constitute the Body and BRIDE of Christ! HAlleluia! Amen!



Tis the Church on Christ


 Satan shall not overpow’r;  

’Tis the Body built together  

Which resists the evil pow’r.


Maeriehl Joy Roxas


Stanza 7 says "Keep on wrestling in the Body, / Mighty vict'ry you will see."

Eph. 6:12 footnote 1a [... ] our wrestling, our fighting, must not be against men but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlies.

Eph. 6:13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

The church is a corporate warrior, and the believers are parts of this unique warrior. We must fight the spiritual warfare in the Body, not individually. (Life-Study of Ephesians, Chapter 74, Section 3)

Ann Barton

Desert Hot Springs, CA, United States

Standing firmly with the Body, into victory you will be led. We need to stand firmly with the Body. We cannot wrestle with the principalities. But as the Body under the Head with the saints we are victorious!

Marites Salig

Oroquieta City, Mis. Occ., Philippines

Hebrews 4:16 let us therefore come forward with boldness to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find grace for timely help.....

*yes Lord Thank the Lord that we need to come forward to the throne of grace because our fighting is not by our own but in the body on the throne. The battle can only be won in the body. Praise the Lord that the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with us, for us to remain in the body.

Sonny Seria

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Keep on wrestling in the Body,

Ephesians 6:13 - Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

In fighting we need to stand to the end. Having done all, we still must stand.

Thành Le

San Francisco, California, United States

Fight the battle in the Body which is the corporate Warrior under leading of Captain Christ, we will certainly defeat our enemy, Satan.


😪Throwback to the 2019 July Training

Glory Jung

Anaheim, CA, United States

In the day of warfare...

Chukwuemeka A Iheaka

Aurora, Colorado, United States

Yes Lord, the victory is already Yours. We just stand on Your victory to defeat the enemy, Your arch enemy.

The battle can only be won in the Body.

Piano Hymns