Oh, trust thyself to Jesus

Oh, trust thyself to Jesus
  When conscious of thy sin,
Its heavy weight upon thee,
  Its mighty pow'r within:
Then is the hour for pleading
  His finished work for thee:
Then is the time for singing,
  His blood was shed for me.
Oh, trust thyself to Jesus
  When tempted to transgress,
By word or look of anger,
  Or thought of bitterness:
Then is the hour for claiming
  Thy Lord to fight for thee:
Then is the time for singing,
  He doth deliver me.
Oh, trust thyself to Jesus
  When daily cares perplex,
And trifles seem so mighty
  Thy inner soul to vex:
Then is the hour for grasping
  His hand who walked the sea:
Then is the time for singing
  He makes it calm for me.
Oh, trust thyself to Jesus
  When thou art wearied sore,
When head or hand refuses
  To think or labor more:
Then is the hour for leaning
  Upon the Master's breast:
Then is the time for singing,
  My Savior gives me rest.

Dublin, Ireland

Then is the time for singing!!! Amen, Lord Jesus! I love you, always is the time to be grateful and time to sing!

Michael T

East Canton, OH, United States

What a burst of fresh air! Never have I been so nourished in my soul from a hymn. ❤️


United States

This morning while driving down on the Santa Ana Freeway to work and feeling drowsy, the Lord reminded me of this very hymn that I used to sing while driving on the Long Island Expressway 35 years ago, whenever I felt drowsy. The first "Then..." in each stanza marks the beginning of a turning point that finishes on a high note, "Pleading His FINished," "Claiming thy LORD," "Grasping His HAND," "Leaning UPON," - all requiring the release of a deep breath. And that was invigorating. I invariably felt refreshed instantly.

Back then, I was impressed with phrases like "grasping His hand who walked the sea," and "when head or hand refuses to think or labor more," but today, 35 years later, it is "trifles seem so mighty" - nevertheless, I remain impressed and blessed with "Then it is the time for singing..."

Phil Jacobson

Northridge, California, United States

Now is the time for singing: He doth deliver me! We love You Lord Jesus, we love You.


I'm so happy to know I can trust myself to the Lord Jesus. When nothing makes sense, when I cannot trust in anything I see or feel, when I can hardly see one step in front of me, I can say "Lord Jesus! I'm entrusting myself to You." My flesh and my heart fail, but God the strength of my heart and my portion forever! Blessed is the man whose trust Jehovah is!


Dunedin, New Zealand

Such a sweet hymn, and this melody is beautiful too. I appreciate the words in verse 4: "when head or hand refuses to think or labor more". At these times, we can really lean on our sweet Lord. He is real and practical because He indwells our spirit! (2 Tim. 4:22) Our flesh may be weak, but our spirit is willing (Matt. 26:41).