An uplifted gospel have we

Cs858 E1292 T1292
An uplifted gospel have we,
One we're not ashamed to proclaim.
Our gospel's the highest of all,
For it is God's goal and God's aim.
No longer so lowly and poor,
We've found that we're God's holy sons.
No more will we preach as before;
Now each man on earth can be won.
Our Brother's inherited all
God made Him to rule His affairs
Appointed—this office He fills
And shares it with us, His joint-heirs.
Elected before earth was formed,
We've found that we are qualified
To share all His glory and worth.
How could men but for Christ decide?
Yes, we're holy brothers with Christ,
No higher could any man be.
This highest of all gospels is;
This gospel each human must see.
Partakers of this heavenly call,
Could any this gospel reject?
With Christ sitting far above all—
This highest of all gospels yet!
Yuri Reyes

Happy Valley, OR, United States

The highest to have man mingled with the processed Triune God for His eternal dwelling place on earth! Praise the Lord !


Tustin, California, United States

This (highest) gospel of the kingdom will be preached to the whole inhabited earth for a testimony to all the nations (whether people accept it or reject it), and then the end (of this age of grace) will come. - Matthew 24:14

sis.divine grace romaguera

Butuan City, Agusan Del Norte, Philippines

Hallelujah for the highest gospel that we have. We're not ashamed to proclaim it. This song reminds me to the great commission that the Lord has given to us, that is, to "go forth and disciple all the nation, baptizing them into the name of the Triune God." Let us go forth and preach Christ to all the creation, proclaiming the gospel, presenting the truth and ministering life for the growth, development and manifestation of the kingdom of God.