Drink! A river pure and clear that's flowing from the throne

Drink! A river pure and clear that's flowing from the throne;
Eat! The tree of life with fruits abundant, richly grown;
Look! No need of lamp nor sun nor moon to keep it bright, for
  Here there is no night!
  Do come, oh, do come,
Says Spirit and the Bride:
Do come, oh, do come,
Let him that heareth, cry.
Do come, oh, do come,
Let him who thirsts and will
  Take freely the water of life!
Christ, our river, Christ, our water, springing from within;
Christ, our tree, and Christ, the fruits, to be enjoyed therein,
Christ, our day, and Christ, our light, and Christ, our morningstar:
  Christ, our everything!
We are washing all our robes the tree of life to eat;
"O Lord, Amen, Hallelujah!"—Jesus is so sweet!
We our spirits exercise, and thus experience Christ.
  What a Christ have we!
Now we have a home so bright that outshines the sun,
Where the brothers all unite and truly are one.
Jesus gets us all together, Him we now display
  In the local church.

Denton, TX

Christ! Christ! Christ! Christ! Christ our everything!!!!


San Diego, CA, United States

Christ Our Everything!

Oh Lord Jesus Continue Keeping Us All Together.

O What A Christ Have We, Dear Saints!

Spencer S

San Marcos, CA, United States

Hallelujah, Jesus is so sweet.


Norwich, CT, United States

I haven't sang this hymn in a very Long time, it never gets old. Oh Lord, Your so sweet, thank You Lord that we can experience You!! :-)

Eric Proulx

Quebec City, Quebec, Canada

What a wonderful song we sang in the Summer Training in Anaheim (Crystallization-study of Genesis part 1))!!! We sang it in French ! Amen!

Orlando Barragan

Spokane, Washington, United States

What a wonderful song! When I first starting drinking the living water it was this song that caused my spirit to bubble and overflow. It is such an awesome uplifting song.


Commerce, Texas, United States

This hymn is strongly anointed. I just love to listen to this hymn to get energized.

Bob Murphy

Mira Loma, CA, United States

A 17 year old young person, who only knew the worst things of this life, got saved in my living room by calling upon the name of the Lord Jesus and asking Him to save him. Two days later he asked me to sing that song again. That song was this song. He sang it for 3 weeks straight and changed the last line to "Drink freely the water of Christ!"


Houston, Texas, United States

Love this Hymm! Amen! Praise the Lord!

Joanna Smathers

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States

A sister's comment on FB reminded me of this song so came to enjoy again and share. Drink a River flowing from the throne!

Although the practice of speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs is clearly revealed in the New Testament (cf. Col. 3:16), most Christians have never seen it or tried it. Most know only the traditional "Sunday morning service." Even in our meetings, this practice is rare. Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs are good not only for singing but also for speaking. Hymns, #1151 says, "Drink! A river pure and clear that's flowing from the throne; / Eat! The tree of life... / Do come, oh, do come, / Says Spirit and the Bride." Such hymns are good for speaking to one another.

The believers' growth in life has a source, and the source is the eternal Word—God in eternity (John 1:1-2; 1 John 1:1) in whom is life (John 1:4a; 1 John 1:2). Singing to the Lord can help us to grow in life by contacting God as the source of life. If we would sing a hymn such as #1151 in Hymns three times every morning for one week, we would be different persons. Instead of being dead and dying, we would be those who are living and growing in the divine life.

...God, as the second crystal in the writings of John, is unveiled as the fountain (source) of life. I am burdened to present a living, vivid picture of what God is and of how God is to us. In this message I want to stress that God our Father is a fountain. The fountain is the real source, this fountain emerges as a spring, and the spring gushes out a river. In 1977 I went with some other brothers to see the Holy Land. We went to the foothills of Lebanon where there was a fountain and a spring gushing out a river, the river Jordan. This is a good picture of our God.

Very rarely is God presented to people in this way. From now on we should present our God to others in this way in our gospel preaching, not by big congregations but by our speaking to individuals in our functioning as prophets and as sons of God. We should say to people, "Have you ever got to know that God is a fountain, Christ is a spring, and the Spirit is a river?" Many people would open up to us when we preach the gospel in this way. Because they have never heard such a thing, they will want to know more.

Hymns, #1151 speaks of our experience of God the Spirit as a river...

Piano Hymns