I've found the One who's all to me

I've found the One who's all to me;
He's become reality.
Now He's in my life to stay;
He is the truth, the life, the way.
  And Jesus is the One who came
Down to earth to bear our shame,
But that's not all, He lives in me.
Once I was blind, but now I see.
Now through His life we have the flow,
Showing us the way to go;
Keeping us in unity,
And this is His recovery.
Now Jesus is the Lord of all;
On His name we all must call.
Then our spirits find release,
And thus our hearts have found real peace.


This knowledge is too wonderful, too amazing to apprehend. Before I lived one day, you had already made them all. You embroidered my soul with your spirit. They were created that way in infinite love. And now you live there, in me, where I can commune with you, my wondrous Lord, every moment of each day. This is beyond blessing, beyond wonder, beyond words. Truly ear has not heard and eye not seen what you prepared for us, in the unseen foundations of your universe. Hallelujah!!