His countenance angels can often behold

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His countenance angels can often behold,
But ne'er taste His love in His grace;
His saints, though they know of His pure, boundless love,
Have never yet once seen His face.
His saints will before long His visage behold,
E'en in His bright glory will share;
But Mary, beholding His tears as He wept,
Could touch His heart's agony there.
Could touch His heart's agony there.
We'll soon see the Lord, as He is, face to face,
We'll know Him as never before;
But that touch today, healing our broken heart,
In that day will be felt no more.
That day, though our lips offer unceasing praise,
No tears, then, nor prayers fervent burn;
Nor is there the comfort received through much pain,
Nor trust gained through trials to learn,
Nor trust gained through trials to learn.
Exceeding in glory, that day we'll be crowned,
Yet there'll be no cross to obey;
The sweet fellowship of His suff'rings for us
We only can share in today.
Once we've that rest entered, no weariness then,
Nor chance will remain to partake
The trials nor the hardships, nor happiness lost,
Nor suffering borne for His sake,
Nor suffering borne for His sake.
Oh, chances to suffer for Him are so few,
His shame and derision to bear;
Such blest opportunities soon pass away,
That He in our troubles may share.
All loneliness, misunderstandings and scorn
Despisings and sorrows will flee;
I treasure these blessings, for through them, O Lord,
I enter sweet oneness with Thee,
I enter sweet oneness with Thee.
I long to behold, Lord, Thy countenance soon,
What rapture with Thee, Lord, to meet.
But neither seek I all these trials to avoid;
Such times, Lord, are too rare and sweet.
Have mercy on me, fill me with Thy great love,
For Thee, Lord, to live at all cost;
Lest Thy servant, hoping for that blessed day,
That day, regret chances were lost,
That day, regret chances were lost.
A Sister In Chicago

Chicago, IL, United States

After the semi annual training, where we saw how much Christ could be to us as the all-inclusive land, this hymn touched me! This morning, I realized that in that day He will be everything, but we won’t be able to experience Him as the hills and valleys, as the wheat with barley – just so many rich items for us today! Oh Lord Jesus, we only have today! We want to experience You as the land today and every day until we have made ourselves ready for THAT day!!

Vincent Grize

Bern, BE, Switzerland

Lord, grant us such a view in all our sufferings today.

" Oh, chances to suffer for Him are so few,

His shame and derision to bear;

Such blest opportunities soon pass away,

That He in our troubles may share."


Words written by brother Watchman Nee.


Saipan, Cnmi, Northern Mariana Islands

I treasure these blessings, for through them, Oh Lord,

I enter sweet oneness with Thee,

I enter sweet oneness with Thee.



Lord, have mercy on me.

Michele Mensing

Waco, TX, United States

Have mercy on me, fill me with Thy great love, For Thee, Lord, to live at all cost; Lest Thy servant, hoping for that blessed day, That day, regret chances were lost, That day, regret chances were lost.


Dunedin, New Zealand

We'll soon see the Lord, as He is, face to face, We'll know Him as never before; But that touch today, healing our broken heart, in that day will be felt no more.

Wow! This song is so enjoyable! Lord we want to be filled with Your life! We want to know You in the most intimate way! Lord we are nothing without You! Praise You Lord!


San Juan, M.M., Philippines

In the kingdom age and in the New Jerusalem, there will be no more tears, because the Lord Jesus will wipe them all away. The tears we have with the Lord in this age, will become so precious in the future. Truly, it will be so glorious in the future when we see the Lord face to face and we will be enjoying the kingdom age and tears will be no more, however, the tears we had with the Lord today will be most precious in eternity.

This is so encouraging, all the tears we have for the Lord today will be so precious in that day! Our situation is ever changing, but what matters most is if we are gaining Christ in whatever circumstances we are in. This is all that matters. CONTINUE ENJOYING CHRIST AS OUR SAVING LIFE AND REST TODAY.

Hebrews 2:3 says,"How shall we escape if we have neglected so great a salvation, which, having had its beginning in being spoken by the Lord, has been confirmed to us by those who heard". Our Lord, with His wonderful person plus His splendid work constitute so great a salvation, a salvation that none of us should neglect today.

Frank Pytel

Chicago, Illinois, United States

As I sing this hymn, I consider the hardships of life as a believer in a new way. Most of the time I want the sufferings to end as soon as possible. Yet in the midst of the trials there is something of Christ that can only be seen and experienced there. The writer calls these times "blest opportunities." It is at that time we "suffer with Christ" and know "the fellowship of His sufferings." There is a fellowship with Christ that can only be known in the troubles we pass through. One day when we see Him, we will no longer be able to know Christ as the sufficient grace in the midst of the thorns, because suffering will be turned to joy, and the tears will be wiped away.

William Mancia

Bakersfield, California, United States

I love this song. It reminds me that whatever I have suffered from the moment I was born is nothing compared to my Lord's sufferings. His sufferings started from the moment He was born until He gave the last breath for me on the cross. I can't ever pay what He has done for me. Because of His love, I desired to live and suffered for Him. The day is coming when we will eat and drink together with Him in the new earth and new heaven.

Piano Hymns