O Jesus Lord, we come to Thee

O Jesus Lord, we come to Thee,
Thy presence to enjoy;
Our entrance now with boldness is,
As we Thy blood employ.
Not by our merit do we stand,
Nor in our righteousness,
Thy blood and righteousness we need;
Their worth we now confess.
Thy judgments, Lord, we must admit,
Are holy, righteous, fair.
We own our sins as crimson are,
We've no excuse to bear.
We've no argument, no plea;
No veil our sin can hide.
But, praise Thee, Lord, Thy precious blood
Is to our sin applied!
God has not overlooked our sin,
But judged it once for all;
His righteous fury, not on us,
But on His Lamb did fall.
A new and living way is made—
We stand on legal ground;
Our Surety and our Substitute
Has pardon for us found.
O Jesus Lord, we worship Thee,
Redemption now enjoy;
Thy precious blood again we see,
Its virtue now employ.
Dear Lord, Thy mercy is so vast,
Unlimited and free.
Oh, Lamb of God, we'll sing Thy praise,
Through all eternity!

O Lord we come to Thee!

How can we come to the Lord without His blood. His blood is the ground, the path and the power for us to come to thee. With His blood, we are cleaned; with His blood, we are justified; with His blood, we can stand before the enemy and enjoy the feast the Lord prepared for us.


Meriden, KS, United States

A new and living way He made. We stand on legal ground.

Colossians 2:13–15 (ESV): 13 And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, 14 by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. 15 He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.

He nailed that legal record of best I owed to the cross. He bore it in His own flesh. Take that you rulers and authorities. You can’t accuse me anymore. All praise to our savior Jesus!

Joanna Smathers

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States

We sang this song at our table meeting yesterday. A sister asked me to send it to her. I enjoyed the lines, "His righteous fury, not on us, but on the Lamb did fall. Our surety and substitute, has pardon for us found". Thank You dear Lord for this wonderful song, words and music.

Patience Otoje

Church In Lagos, Okota, Lagos, Nigeria

Halluejah!!! We stand on legal ground, our surety and substitute!! Christ our legal ground!!!