Jesus, Sun and Shield art Thou

Jesus, Sun and Shield art Thou,
  Sun and Shield forever.
Never canst Thou cease to shine,
  Cease to guard us, never.
Cheer our steps as on we go,
Come between us and the foe.
Jesus, Sun and Shield art Thou forever.
Jesus, Bread and Wine art Thou,
  Wine and Bread forever.
Never canst Thou cease to feed
  Or refresh us, never.
Feed us still on bread divine,
Drink we still of heavenly wine.
Jesus, Bread and Wine art Thou forever.
Jesus, Love and Life art Thou,
  Life and Love forever.
Ne’er to quicken shalt Thou cease,
  Or to love us, never.
All of life and love we need
Is in Thee, in Thee indeed.
Jesus, Love and Life art Thou forever.
Jesus, Peace and Joy art Thou,
  Joy and Peace forever.
Joy that fades not, changes not,
  Peace that leaves us never.
Joy and Peace we have in Thee
Now and through eternity.
Jesus, Peace and Joy art Thou forever.
Jesus, Song and Strength art Thou,
  Strength and Song forever.
Strength that never can decay,
  Song that ceaseth never.
Still to us this strength and song,
Through eternal days prolong.
Jesus, Song and Strength art Thou forever.

The lyrics is slightly modified.


Fort Collins, Colorado, United States

Praise the Lord for being our shield!


Oregon, United States

Jesus sun and shield! You give us light for the way and protection as we obey! Thank you for a song to encourage and strengthen us 'as on we go".

T. Diyan

London, United Kingdom

Beautiful music. Beautiful words. Beautiful facts. Thank You Lord our sun, shield, food, drink, love, life, peace, joy, song, strength; and this through eternal days. Lord this is a wow salvation!

N Bradshaw

Wichita, KS, United States

What a beautiful song. The Lord is are sun and shield forever! He is so many things for now and always! Praise Jesus! It brought this tune to my mind and heart this morning and thank You Lord - I looked it up on here and found it! Praise the Lord we are found in You "forever".


No wonder He is the all-inclusive One~Praise the Lord!!