Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus

Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus,
  Thou hast won each love from me;
Who like Thee—so fair and comely?
  Who like Thee—so sweet and lovely?
Matchless One, unrivaled beauty,
  None can e’er compete with Thee!
Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus,
  Gladly will I hear Thy call;
Since Thy voice my heart hath entered,
  I from all things could but sever;
Void are all my other seekings,
  Every pride hath disappeared.
Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus,
  How can I still stubborn be?
At Thy feet cast all my hard’nings,
  And return with songs and singings;
’Tis my love to be Thy bondslave,
  ’Tis my joy to Thee obey.
Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus,
  Thy way only will I choose;
Though in tears while I’m obeying,
  Yet I would not change my standing;
All I long for is Thy pleasure,
  And the peace Thy love would bring.
Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus,
  When Thy presence does depart,
Seems the dawn has lost its traces,
  Hidden are my smiling faces;
All I yearn for is Thy coming
  And Thy presence’ sweet embrace.
Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus,
  Can I tell it all to Thee?
Thou my love and satisfaction,
  Thou my everlasting portion;
Thou art all that I desire,
  Nothing else I would pursue.
Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus,
  All I have I give to Thee;
Who like Thee—so fair and comely?
  Who like Thee—so sweet and lovely?
Matchless One, unrivaled beauty,
  None can e’er compete with Thee!

California, United States

Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus,

Thou hast won each love from me.

Though in tears while I’m obeying,

Yet I would not change my standing.

Maurice Ward

Irving, Texas, United States

Tis my love to be Thy bondslave.


TX, United States

Dear Lord Jesus, precious Jesus,

Thy way only will I choose;

Though in tears while I’m obeying,

Yet I would not change my standing;

All I long for is Thy pleasure,

And the peace Thy love would bring.

such peace Your love brings! Precious Jesus


Eugene, Oregon, United States

Who like Thee—so fair and comely? Sweet and lovely?

None can e’er compete with Thee!


Eugene, Oregon, United States

All I yearn for is Thy coming

And Thy presence’ sweet embrace.

Rex Baldon

Irvine, California, United States

"Simon Peter answered Him, Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life,

And we have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God." (John 6:68-69)

Armand Tongo

Malabon City, Metro Manila, Philippines

Singing this refreshed me of my love toward the Lord. Despite the complications, the veils, of our hearts, the Lord is seeking even for a small opening from within us so that He can penetrate more to work Himself into us and reveal more of how beautiful and lovely He is. This time, He made me tell Him, "O Lord Jesus, I love You!" Truly He cannot be compared to anything in this world. He is the most beautiful One!

Maurice Ward

Columbus, Ohio, United States

I feel as if the real sentiment behind this song is that of a love letter from one lover to another. Every line begins with 'Dear Lord Jesus, '... oh how sweet that we can pour our heart out in such a way. Despite there being the feeling that this is a song between two parted lovers, when I am through singing this hymn I feel as if I have drawn so much closer to Him and He to me.

Sister X

We love you Lord Jesus ! Nothing can compare to thee!!!

Cody Enderli

San Marcos, TX, United States

You have won my heart over Lord!

Now Lord would you keep my heart centered to you! How precious and matchless thou art!