Treading the Pathways to Life

There are days blue skies can’t be found,
When dark and gloomy clouds are all around.
Do we treasure God’s life within,
Or do we struggle on with right and wrong?
No food, no drink, no home, no rest, no peace
If we let thorns our oneness pierce;
If one day stormy winds come our way,
Will we then be shaken, fall away?
Highways to life, the path our feet must tread
By enjoying Christ, we’re safely led.
Check God in living!
In Him remain, just enjoy Him;
Therefore disheartened, we dare not to be
Firm in heart, now, we
Stay in this line continually
He’ll give Himself faithfully.
Life that swallows death now has come;
‘Tis Christ as our eternal portion.
True Vine, Bread of life, all we need,
Life’s Author, even life itself indeed.
This Tree of Life, to us a promise giv’n,
Closed to us by the fall of man;
Christ us redeemed, re-op’ning the way,
Then rising, life conquered death for aye.
Daily eat and drink, breathe in Christ,
Our thirst is quenched, our hunger satisfied;
With our spirit pray, touch the Word,
By pray’r in private, touch the living Lord.
Confess, be dealt with for the genuine growth;
His life in us may freely flow.
Have more of Christ wrought into our being
Till others receive life’s watering.
Life results in building, we see;
Fulfilling God’s divine economy.
God Triune is our oneness real
One corp’rate Body’s what He wants to see;
Each one grows with the growth of God each day,
We have real building, God display;
The New Jerusalem we will be,
Our glorious eternal destiny.
Casey VI Batitang

Cabadbaran City, Agusan Del Norte, Philippines

Whatever may happen, don't be disheartened, but choose to remain continually in the line of life by enjoying Christ! Then He'll give Himself faithfully!

Jersy Servanda

Taguig, Metro Manila, Philippines

Daily eat and drink, breathe in Christ!


Iloilo, Philippines

Stay in this line continually

He’ll give Himself faithfully. ❤❤❤


Iligan, Philippines

God's intention with His seekers is that they may find everything in Him, seeking after God so that they might gain God and not be distracted from the absolute enjoyment of Himself. The desire of God's heart is that we would gain Him in full as life, as the life supply and as our everything into our being that we may build up In Him to become our intrinsic constitution so that our entire being will be reconstituted with Christ. May we all remain eating Christ as the tree of life, drinking Christ as the fountain of living water. May God grant us more of His merciful compassion  so that we may remain on the way of life, the line of life , in the fellowship of life and in the maintenace of life by enjoying Christ as the tree of life in the flow of life for Gods building in life by our growth in life.

Charlotte 샬럿 Prado

Pasig, Manila, Philippines

Remain in th line of life! ♡

August Esmade

Quezon City, Philippines

God's intention from the beginning is that man would enjoy Him as the tree of life by eating and drinking Him. In this way, Christ will be wrought into our being and we will have the real growth in life. As we grow, we will have the real building of the church. In the church, we have the Triune God as our real oneness and it is our responsibility to keep this oneness in us. As the church, His Body, we hold Him as the Head and keep the truth in us. This is how we remain in the line of life. In the Lord’s recovery today, we are remaining in the line of life ordained by God for His eternal purpose; that is to gain the Body of Christ as the organism of the Triune God, which consummates in the New Jerusalem as its full expression in eternity. Saints, let us all continually remain in the line of life, and Christ will faithfully give Himself to us.

Julie Monteseven

Iligan City, 10, Philippines

Amen! Our daily eating, drinking,

and breathing of Christ; our touching the Word and praying in private; and our confessing of our sins will cause us to have genuine growth! Yes Lord, may Your life in us freely flow!

Josh G

Lala, LDN, Philippines

Hallelujah 69th batch! Am waiting your official audio rec. :))

Kim P

Aloran, Misamis Occidental, Philippines

Just as God told the people of Israel to possess the land of Canaan by treading it with the soles of their feet, how we need also to possess Christ by daily eating, drinking, and breathing in Christ. Let more of the element Christ wrought into our being for us to remain in the pathways to life. Amen