Deify Me Lord

Under the shining of Your light,
Shining brighter day and night,
Deify me Lord! Deify me Lord!
Enjoy’ng Your presence or afar,
Rise within, morning star,
Deify me Lord! Deify me Lord!
  God’s central work is to fully possess man, for His great plan;
An outstanding feature of the New Jerusalem,
Mingling of God and man: the wife and the Lamb,
Deify me Lord! Deify me Lord!
The New Jerusalem in sight,
My heart Thy home in Christ,
Deify me Lord! Deify me Lord!
Glorious Bride You long to see,
Conform me unto Thee,
Deify me Lord! Deify me Lord!
Sonny Abadi

Bone, Indonesia



Houston, TX, United States

God's heart's desire is to have a counterpart to match Him! Deify us Lord, prepare Your Bride! Have Your heart's desire! Lord we love You!


Texarkana, AR, United States

Love this. Deify me Lord!

We participate in His divinity from our regeneration until our glorification and consummation as His bride. Too wonderful. Predestinated to be deified.


Gloria sea al nombre y la persona del Señor. Gracias Señor por hacernos cada día Tu novia Tu eres nuestra esperanza Señor Jesus