Take time to absorb Him

Take time to receive Him—the blessing’s outpoured,
And we may obtain it by reading His Word;
We bask in the splendour of His healing light,
And light becomes life, as in Him we delight.
Take time to absorb Him, to gain the supply,
That we may be watered and nourished thereby;
The deeper the roots spread, the deeper the flow,
And richer and higher within us He’ll grow.
Take time to inhale Him—His Word we may breathe;
By breathing it, God’s very life we receive—
He breathes Himself out so that we may breathe in
The life, the reality, fullness of Him.
Take time to enjoy Him, our portion is He:
Our present, available reality;
Our practical, real, and enjoyable Lord
Is everything to us through His living Word.
Take time to behold Him, gaze oft on His face,
Receiving His Person, and grace upon grace.
By His pleasant shining, infused we will be;
Our faces will glow with His light, radiantly.

Austin, TX, United States

“He breathes Himself out so that we may breathe in the life, the reality, fullness of Him! ”


Texas, United States

Take time to behold Him, gaze oft on His face,

Receiving His Person, and grace upon grace.

By His pleasant shining, infused we will be;

Our faces will glow with His light, radiantly.

Rebecca Sadia

Austin, Texas, United States

Take time to absorb Him!

Temple Hewett

Portland, Oregon, United States

We can receive, absorb, inhale, enjoy and behold our wonderful dear Lord Jesus!

Sister Vali Ruth

Tirane, Albania

Take time to absorb Him, to gain the supply,

That we may be watered and nourished thereby;

The deeper the roots spread, the deeper the flow,

And richer and higher within us He’ll grow.


Taipei, Taiwan



Palm Desert, CA, United States

Take time to receive Him, Take time to enjoy Him, Take time to absorb Him to gain Him as the Supply. Take time to breathe Him in as the breath of Life. He is our portion. We just need to take Him in.

Nicoleta Vesa

Cluj Napoca, Romania, Romania

May we learn to take this time to absorb Him more!

Ginger Suhrstedt

Roseburg, OR, United States

Oh Lord, in these days, we thank you for your Divine arrangement, may we take advantage of these days and moments You have allowed to be set apart to truly learn to absorb You, to enjoy You, to receive You. Praise yo Lord!!!


Los Angeles, California, United States

Take time to absorb Him, to gain the supply,

That we may be watered and nourished thereby;

The deeper the roots spread, the deeper the flow,

And richer and higher within us He’ll grow.