to closer come Jesus Lord me Let Thee,

way. to day;
Let Lord on all Jesus,
  Oh, me Jesus,
  Yes, day Let harder Thee, by come Lord me lean closer the closer harder, Thee,
me joyous my sunshine show all forth beauty, Lord Let lips pour Jesus,
  Like on sweetness
  In hills;
Oh, forth sparkling let rills. Thy the Thy
let Jesus,
  For and me Yes, daily, for channel, Jesus,
  Make precious Thee, a be;
Keep me Lord Lord and use me me Thee. like only
everything. my Jesus,
  To will, me all Lord In altogether king;
Make Lord a subject, in loyal heart O Jesus,
  Be and Thee
Longing Jesus,
  With Thirsting hunger hungering Thee, hunger no for Jerusalem’s blessed thirst, for and New fullness—
  No there. Lord