Lord, with all my heart I love You

Lord, with all my heart I love You!
Make my heart Your cherished prize!
Pierce my depths with radiant brightness
From Your loving eyes!
In Your presence, as You’re shining,
To Your will, O Lord, I yield!
In this light, You are my comfort!
Here Your heart’s revealed!
Lord, to You I give my best love!
How I treasure all You are!
You’re the beacon, all men drawing!
You’re my morning star!
By the blood You shed at Calvary
I’m defended constantly,
Prayer by prayer, unloaded, cherished
Lord, I come to You with boldness!
I believe Your precious blood!
Speak to me, in my confessions!
Bring me nigh to God!
In this fellowship surrendered,
In communion face to face,
I am touched, Lord, and illumined
In Your love’s embrace.
I would linger in Your presence
Spending time alone with You!
As I bask in Your affection,
Shine in me anew!
Peace that passes understanding,
Freedom from my struggles vain,
Come from rest in You, confiding
In Your inward reign!
Your anointing and Your Headship
Make Your feelings known in me;
By Your love constrained, I follow
Your lead inwardly!
I refuse what doesn’t match You!
All Your foes have met defeat!
Satan’s pow’rs can’t stand against You!
Victory is complete!
In Your life, from death I’ve risen!
In Your victory, I stand!
What a blest, dependent living
By the Father planned!
May Your word, Lord, light my footsteps
Till Your day dawns gloriously!
May You come, Lord, with the rising
Of Your star in me!
Brightly shine within my heart, Lord!
Deeply touch each hidden part!
“Come, Beloved! Lord, come quickly!”
Issues from my heart!
Yuri Reyes

May Your word, Lord, light my footsteps

Till Your day dawns gloriously!

May You come, Lord, with the rising

Of Your star in me!

Brightly shine within my heart, Lord!

Deeply touch each hidden part!

“Come, Beloved! Lord, come quickly! ”

Issues from my hearT

Margeaux Wirt

Jamestown, ND, United States

Lord, with all my heart I love you! Thank you for our mingled spirit 💞

Patty Hollinshead

Fargo, North Dakota

Lord, You’re my Morning Star!