By the blood of Christ the Victor

C646 CB889 E889 G889 K646 P418 R492 S400
By the blood of Christ the Victor
  Overcome the enemy;
By its virtue and its power
  You will win the victory.
By the blood of Christ the Victor
  Overcome the enemy:
By its virtue and its power
    You will win the victory.
By the blood of Christ the Victor
  Counter him who doth accuse;
By the blood for you defending
  All the sland’rer’s blame refuse.
By the blood of Christ the Victor
  God’s sure faithfulness believe;
Thru the blood of your Redeemer
  God’s forgiveness now receive.
By the blood of Christ the Victor
  Your position now declare;
Thru the blood, prevailing ever,
  All His vict’ry fully share.
By the blood of Christ the Victor
  Claim His full authority;
Just apply the blood of Jesus
  And defeat the enemy.
By the blood of Christ the Victor
  Standing in the heavenlies;
In the pow’r of Christ ascended,
  Tread the principalities.

Copyright Living Stream Ministry. Used by permission.

Jack Petrash

Irving, TX, United States

Not only does the blood of Christ in its power and preciousness redeem every repentant man and save them from their sins but it also in effect deals with the enemy binding him, and keeping him from any activity.

Hallelujah for the blood of Christ!

Ana Lara

Storrs, Connecticut, United States

The composer of this tune is Lowell Mason, born in Medfield, Massachusetts, 1792. He has been called “The father of American choir singing. ” Retuning from Savannah, Georgia, where he spent 16 years of his younger life as a clerk in a bank, he relocated to Boston (1827), being already known there as the composer of “the Missionary Hymn. ” He had not neglected his musical studies while living in the South and it was in Savannah that he made the glorious harmony of this tune. He became president of the Handel and Haydn Society, went abroad for special study, was made Doctor of Music, and collected a store of themes among the great models of song to bring home for his future work.

The Boston Academy of Music was founded by him and what he did for the song-service of the Church in America by his singing schools, musical conventions, and published manuals to form and organize a choral branch of divine worship, has no parallel, unless it is Noah Webster’s service to the English language.

Dr. Mason died in Orange, New Jersey, in 1872

“Story of Hymns and Tunes” Brown and Butterworth.

Yohan Yosef

Malolos, Bulacan, Philippines

"They overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb."- Revelation 12:11

Righteousness is in the blood of the Lamb. By its virtue and its power we will the victory! Oh what a blood of Christ the victor.

Satan's destiny has been sealed.

Christ is victor!

The victory is won!

Glory Jung

Anaheim, CA, United States

"Enemy! Listen up!

Christ is my sin offering. When He died on the cross, sin was judged and you were judged. You have been destroyed. If you come and harass me at any time, I will remind you of your utter defeat.

It is finished ! Amen Lord ! I believe in You and Your word!"


Sherman Oaks, CA, United States

Thank You Guys.

I have been tuned into this site for a few years (maybe more). A great blessing this has been to me and many others I am sure.

Your fellow Joint-Heir in Christ Jesus Our King,


Michael Hynds

Albany, WA, Australia

Thank you, I am glad for this website. I love the old hymns, I wish my church would sing this inspired Godly music. Now I can start learning these beautiful songs.

In order to use the hymns, we first must know how to classify them. There are several points regarding the classification of the hymns. First, we may classify hymns by their subject. For instance, some hymns are for the gospel, some are for edification, some are for the praise of the Lord, and some are for the worship of the Father. Second, we may classify hymns not only by subject but also by subdivision. For example, there are many hymns on the praise of the Lord. In the new hymnal we are publishing, there are twenty-nine subdivisions under the subject "Praise of the Lord." These subdivisions cover matters such as the Lord's divinity and humanity, His love and grace, His human life and suffering, His death and resurrection, His glorification and ascension, and His sweetness and beauty. Likewise, there are a number of subdivisions under the main category of "Spiritual Warfare." There are hymns on fighting in the Lord's name, fighting in the Body, and fighting by the blood. Thus, when we come to a prayer meeting to fight the spiritual battle, we should not randomly pick a hymn under the category of "Spiritual Warfare." Instead, we should sense the atmosphere of the meeting and select the hymn that will best suit the atmosphere. If we sense that there is a need for the covering of the blood, we should choose a hymn on fighting by the blood, a hymn that speaks of how the blood covers us, cleanses us, answers all the accusations of the enemy, and speaks before God for us (Hymns, #889).

Piano Hymns