My heart is fixed, eternal God

My heart is fixed, eternal God,
  Fixed on Thee, fixed on Thee;
And my immortal choice is made,
  Christ for me, Christ for me;
He is my prophet, priest, and king,
Who did for me salvation bring,
And while I’ve breath I mean to sing,
  Christ for me, Christ for me.
In Him I see the Godhead shine,
  Christ for me, Christ for me;
He is the majesty divine,
  Christ for me, Christ for me;
The Father’s well-beloved Son,
Co-partner of His royal throne,
Who bore the guilt of man alone,
  Christ for me, Christ for me.
Let others boast of heaps of gold,
  Christ for me, Christ for me;
His riches never can be told,
  Christ for me, Christ for me;
Your gold will waste and wear away,
Your honors perish in a day;
My portion never can decay,
  Christ for me, Christ for me.
In pining sickness, or in health,
  Christ for me, Christ for me;
In deepest poverty or wealth,
  Christ for me, Christ for me;
And in that all-important day,
When I the summons must obey,
And pass from this dark world away,
  Christ for me, Christ for me.
Ian Purdie

Sarasota, Florida, United States

I was saved in. 1959 at Bethesda Gospel Chapel, Helensburgh, Scotland! I had been brought up in the Free Church of Scotland, in Cardross. I was well versed in the singing of the Psalms, from the Scottish Psalter and Scottish Hymnal! I first attended the youth meeting at Bethesda, and loved their hymns, and sacred songs! While there, I fell in love with "My heart is fixed eternal God, fixed on thee, fixed on the, and my immortal choice is made, Christ for me". The Gospel Message preached at Bethesda, had such an effect on me, that I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour, and thus born again! , and ever since, having sung it so many times, I still remember the words and the tune! It is the constant reminder, of the Gospel Message, that I first heard at Bethesda, and it is also, my testimony of how I was so wondrously saved!

T. Diyan

London, United Kingdom

Lorb my heart is fixed. My immortal choice is made Christ for me! Lord be my one choice forever. Amen!


WORCESTER, United Kingdom

On the night my granddad was saved, at a tent meeting, this hymn was sung and his family recalled how he sang this hymn most of the night, afterwards! His was a true conversion and following on from that he lead the rest of his family to the Lord. I owe a lot to him.

Daniel Jackson

Reading, United Kingdom

I always enjoy singing this hymn simply because it brings me back to the realization that Christ is the only important thing in the universe. Everything else, be it money, education, people, the future, whatever - "it will waste and wear away."

I pray that the Lord would allow this to be my constant experience: "My heart is fixed, eternal God, fixed on Thee, fixed on Thee; And my immortal choice is made - Christ for me! Christ for me! He is my Prophet, Priest, and King, who did for me salvation bring; And while I've breath I mean to sing - Christ for me! Christ for me!"