Life at best is very brief

C722 CB1043 E1043 G1043 K722 P457 R299 S478 T1043
Life at best is very brief,
Like the falling of a leaf,
Like the binding of a sheaf,
    Be in time!
Fleeting days are telling fast
That the die will soon be cast,
And the fatal line be passed,
    Be in time!
Be in time! Be in time!
While the voice of Jesus calls you,
  Be in time!
If in sin you longer wait,
You may find no open gate,
And your cry be just too late:
    Be in time!
Fairest flowers soon decay,
Youth and beauty pass away;
O you have not long to stay,
    Be in time!
While God’s Spirit bids you come,
Sinner, do not longer roam,
Lest you seal your hopeless doom,
    Be in time!
Time is gliding swiftly by,
Death and judgment draweth nigh,
To the arms of Jesus fly,
    Be in time!
O I pray you count the cost!
Ere the fatal line be crossed,
And your soul in hell be lost,
    Be in time!
Sinner, heed the warning voice,
Make the Lord your final choice,
Then all heaven will rejoice,
    Be in time!
Come from darkness into light;
Come, let Jesus make you right;
Come, receive His life tonight,
    Be in time!
Jesse Bajehson

Kaduna, Nigeria

Indeed life at best is very brief. We need to put ourselves in order.

Help me Lord to end well, Amen.


Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

This song is reminding you and l that the time is short, therefore prepare to meet our LORD JESUS CHRIST 🙏

Peter Ongong'A

Ogembo, Kisii County, Kenya

I love the song... it's has been our theme song today.... May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the holy spirit be with us now and forever more... Amina

Mary Nzisa

Naivasha, Nakuru, Kenya

I have love this song since childhood. I sung it in my church as a youth. The lyrics are old yet ever new!

Sands Jerry

Lome, Maritime, Togo

I remember, more than 30 years ago as I young man, I attended the AG church 84 Ohanku Rd Aba, and the choir did a glorious rendition of this piece and the congregation gave such an earth shaking applause.

I remember the pastor got vexed and hushed everyone down, reminding us that it's a song about the impending judgement of God and we were applauding. Then I think he asked how many of us were ready should the judgement fall at the very moment. The church became as silent as.... and before you knew with, cries from every angle as everyone saw his/her self

Thongbor Mading Lang

Nairobi, Turkana, Kenya

This is too emotional for me! 😭😭😭😭



Beautiful tune, powerful words! A great reminder of the reality of all mankind - the inevitability of death and God's judgment. May God help us to live for Him and may we be found worthy to live with Him forever in heaven.

Russ Potter

Pocatello, Idaho, United States

I have known for quite some time that my days are numbered, but I reckon that my days are even more numbered than I think.

Repent and believe the Gospel of Christ. 1 Corinthians 15

Livingstone Dogara

Kaduna, Nigeria

I woke up this morning singing the chorus, but it is the second stanza that caught my eye... Hmmmm, no matter what we have or who we think we are, all is fleeting, just be in time when Jesus calls you.

Abugu Sebastine Chukwudi

Lagos, Enugu State, Nigeria

Life is good and sweet . One thing I know is that one day I will die and I don't know the day .

Second one is that one day I will stand before my God to give account of my life.

Today is my day tomorrow may not come I live for Jesus Christ my hope .

Revised version:

1. Life, as vapor, quickly fades;

As a cloud, it dissipates;

As a dream, evaporates;

Be in time!

Flying time declares 'tis true:

In a flash, death faces you;

Just a little late, you're through;

Be in time!

Be in time! Be in time!

While the voice of Jesus calls you,

Be in time!

If in sin you longer wait,

You may find no open gate,

And your cry be just too late:

Be in time!

2. May the wise attentive hear:

Morning blooms soon disappear.

Who can bring back yesteryear?

Be in time!

Do your calculations fast,

Lest the line of death is passed,

And you into fire are cast;

Be in time!

3. Still the Spirit's touching you,

Often wrestling with you, too.

Why not yield, that peace ensue?

Be in time!

Jesus waits to give you grace;

Save you from your woeful case;

Don't wait foolishly! Make haste!

Be in time!

4. Sinners, heed this sage advice:

God's salvation, don't despise.

Choose the Savior in a trice!

Be in time!

Quickly, to His bosom fly;

Let Christ in your heart thereby;

While it's still today, draw nigh;

Be in time!