Since ages past, there’s been a longing in God’s heart

Since ages past, there’s been a longing in God’s heart
For a bride that would match Him, a counterpart.
So, He planned a great romance, He planned to marry man.
The Bible is the story of this great romance;
God and man, the couple—what magnificence—
Will be married to become the New Jerusalem.
The Triune God, today, is calling us to be
His dear bride, preserved for Him exclusively.
Into us He’s poured His love, His life, and nature, all.
A brand new heart, the Lord has planted deep within,
One that’s soft, that loves, desires none else but Him,
So that we need only guard the heart He’s given us.
It’s with the saints we exercise our loving heart,
Eat the Word and from the meetings ne’er depart,
Hold a conscience good and pure and thus we will be the bride to bring,
To bring our Bridegroom back.