All Things Work Together

  Because those whom He foreknew,
He also predestinated
To be conformed to the image of His Son,
That He might be the Firstborn among many brothers;
  And those whom He predestinated,
These He also called;
And those whom He called, these He also justified;
And those whom He justified, these He also glorified.
  We know all things work together for good
To those who love God,
To those who are called
According to His purpose,
According to His purpose, we know.
  We know all things work together for good
To those who love God,
To those who are called
According to His purpose,
According to His purpose, we know.
Sister Vali

Tirane, Albania

Rom. 8

28 28 Dhe ne e dimë se të gjitha gjëra bashkëveprojnë për të mirë për ata që e duan Perëndinë, për ata që janë të thirrur sipas qëllimit të tij.

We know all things work together for good

To those who love God,

To those who are called

According to His purpose,


Dallas, TX, United States

and those whom He called, these He also justified

Thank You Lord we are predestinated to be Your sons!


Cerritos, California, United States

Praise the Lord! We were predestinated for His purpose!





"And we know that all things work together for good those who love God and those who called according to His Purpose "


Los Angeles, CA, United States

Thank You, Lord– we are predestinated, called, justified, and glorified according to Your eternal purpose!