To Open Their Eyes

We must see today that God needs expressing on earth;
And for this we say, “Lord, increase in us!”
Lord, give us Your heart
To speak what we’ve seen and heard of God’s Jubilee,
His economy, the reason we pray...
  To open their eyes,
To turn them from darkness to light,
And from the authority of Satan to God,
That they may receive forgiveness of sins,
And all that God has, all that God has done,
And all God will do!
Lord Jesus we pray, announcing the eternal life,
Enlightening all that they may believe;
Lord, strengthen us now,
Proclaiming this Jubilee, our purpose to live,
This gospel we give, to all who would pray...
  Lord, open my eyes,
And turn me from darkness to light,
And from the authority of Satan to God,
That I may receive forgiveness of sins,
And all that God has, all that God has done
And all God will do!
Allen In Christ

Lagos, Nigeria

Amen. We all need to pray this! Lord open my eyes! Turn me from darkness to light. This prayer is not just for others looking from the outside in! it’s also for us, looking out from the inside. If we are going to let those outside in! We have to be first be enlightened, freed, forgiven and released! Then we can pave the way for others outside! A prisoner cannot release another prisoner, only a free man can release a prisoner. Lord open our eyes!

Sarah Anne Rolofs

Ochtrup, Munster, Germany

we should let our lights shine in this time we are living in:we should pray earnestly ; as apostle paul told us ninght and day ; all the time: we need to get going saints: Jesus our redeemer is coming soon: God bless all the prayer warriors in this world: prayer is so important: