These are the days, my friend

Cs528 NS222
These are the days, my friend,
Time’s drawing to an end,
And we must choose,
must choose whom we will serve.
We will fight for the Lord
And stand in one accord
For the defeat of God’s arch enemy!
These are the days, O saints,
The heart of man, it faints
For Satan’s work
that’s seen throughout the land.
So we must count all loss,
Be one at any cost,
And give our all for God’s recovery.
These are the days, my friend,
The Spirits moving in
To raise the standard
up against the foe,
To show the one new man
According to His plan
And draw this generation to Himself.
These are the latter days,
Go forth and sound His praise,
Proclaim to men
the kingdom that shall come.
The army’s moving out
The enemy to rout,
And Christ will gain His rightful place on earth.


Wow. Get ready. This is really going to happen! Praise Him!